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“Jungkook get up lazy ass!!” Taehyung yelled, tossing his bag at Jungkook’s head. This is not his ideal way to wake up. His best friend’s voice was loud enough without him raising it and honestly he really shouldn’t be throwing Gucci anyways.

“Why are you yelling? And I thought I locked my bedroom door,” Jungkook grumbled, covering his face with his pillow. Taehyung laid down next to him, carding his fingers through Jungkook’s hair.

“Did you forget that you promised to take Hoseok’s shift today? We have work in like thirty minutes,” Taehyung said. But his words didn’t reflect his actions as he cuddled up to Jungkook. Jungkook groaned and pushed him off. He needed to get ready. And maybe get a new best friend while he was at it.

He got dressed quickly and went out to their shared kitchen and ate some bread. There wasn’t really time to cook an actual breakfast. Even toasting it would take too long.

“Kookie you can’t just eat bread. That has no nutrition,” a voice in his head said. He sighed and put some jam on it. At least it was something else.

He and Taehyung only lived a couple blocks from the restaurant they worked at, so they walked to work. Even on days when Taehyung complained and tried to make Jungkook carry him (he very rarely succeeded).

“Can you stop eating that shit? You know I hate the smell,” Jungkook said, pointing to Taehyung’s bag of strawberry liquorice. But Taehyung continued munching, and even blew in Jungkook’s face. The disgusting aroma filled his nostrils, making him fee sick.

“It smells good. And you hate anything strawberry scented,” Taehyung said. He waved the bag in Jungkook’s face, just to bother him.

"I don’t hate anything strawberry scented. Just the artificial shit like that. It gives me a headache. Especially liquorice,” Jungkook said, pushing Taehyung.

"I don’t get why you hate it. Everyone likes strawberry,” Taehyung said. The voice in Jungkook’s head returned.

“Kookie, want some liquorice? It’s really good, my mom brought it from england,” Jimin asked.

“Feed it to me,” seven year-old Jungkook demanded opening his mouth. Jimin obliged and began feeding Jungkook the treats. It was delicious and sweet.

“Eat as much as you want. I'm pretty sure my mom brought enough to last us a lifetime. It smells good doesn’t it?” Jimin said with a bright smile. Jungkook nodded.

"I just don’t like it. So put it away before I throw it out myself,” Jungkook said. Taehyung pouted and put it back in his bag.


Work was busy. It usually was on Saturdays. But he kept reminding himself that Hoseok promised to buy him dinner in return for taking this shift. He could really use a free dinner.

“Jungkook I just put someone in your section!” Taehyung yelled. More people? He didn’t even think he had room in his section. But he carried himself over to the table anyways.

It was just one man. A really good looking man. He greeted him. “Hi I'm Jungkook, I'll be helping you today. Can I grab you something to drink?” he asked, with a polite smile on his face. The man smiled back and for some reason Jungkook didn’t like it.

“I'll just have water. And I'm waiting for someone. He’ll have water as well please,” the man said. Jungkook nodded and went to go pour the water. Why was he feeling uneasy around this guy?

When he brought the drinks, the man’s friend was still not there. “He’s running late. But he told me his order so I'm ready,” the man said to Jungkook. He felt kind of bad for the guy. Hopefully whoever it was showed up soon. He had dealt with people who had been stood up before and it was never pretty.

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