Never Stop

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Today was a good day, Jungkook decided.

He and Jimin had finally been left alone in the dorm because the members got a small break to do as they please.

Namjoon, Yoongi, and Hobi went to go check out some of the new music stores to see if they had any good music or equipment they could use in their studio.

And Jin took Tae to the mall promising video games and snacks for the entire maknae line when the two returned.

The others had asked if the remaining couple wanted to go but they declined and stayed cuddled up in bed, just enjoying each other’s company.

So, the others just let them be, figuring they’d leave the couple to do couple things.

Soon the couple had dozed off to sleep yet again.

Jungkook woke up sometime later, smelling something intriguing coming from the kitchen and noticed Jimin wasn’t in bed anymore, so slowly, he pulled himself out from underneath the comfy blankets and went to go inspect.

He crept into the kitchen to see Jimin standing over the stove, cooking what looked like breakfast and Jungkook’s mouth watered but not just at the scent of the food but the fact that Jimin was cooking in only one of Jungkook’s white t-shirts that practically looked like a small dress on the older and a pair of tight, red boxers that hugged his bottom and thighs graciously.

With that view in mind, he walked quietly over to his Hyung and hugged him quickly from behind making Jimin squeak and almost drop the spatula he was currently using.

“Oh my god, Kookie. You scared me.” He turned around with a pout, “I could’ve hit you with this, y’know? I could’ve hurt you.” He motioned to the spatula making Jungkook chuckle.

“Oh, c’mon. Jiminie, you couldn’t hurt a fly. You’re too nice.”

Jimin scrunched up his nose in distaste at the remark, “I could if I wanted too.” He mumbled.

Jungkook just shook his head and chuckled again and just as Jimin was about to further his argument about being a manly man, Jungkook swooped down and captured his lips in a kiss, shutting him up.

Later on, they were sitting at the table, enjoying the breakfast Jimin had prepared and rambling on with nonsense and giggling to themselves like two dorks in love, hell, they were two dorks in love.

“So, Jiminie, what’re we doing today?” Jungkook asked.

He watched as Jimin furrowed his brows and thought. “Hm…how about we just have a lazy day? We don’t get to have those a lot and I wanna cuddle with you.”

Jungkook smiled at his adorable Hyung.

“So you just wanna lay in bed all day? Aish, what a waste.” He shook his head jokingly as he teased the elder.

He looked as Jimin slowly got flustered and muttered under his breath.

“What was that?” He questioned.

Jimin bit his lip and spoke a bit louder, “I said, it wouldn’t be a waste because it’s with you.”

And then it was Jungkook’s turn to blush.

Soon enough, they found themselves back in bed, all snuggled up and slowly but surely beginning to doze off yet again.

This time it was Jungkook who woke up first, he looked at the clock on the bedside table and realized that they’d only took a short twenty five minute nap and turned to what woke him up.

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