Picture (Not) Perfect 2/2

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“These are beautiful,” Hobeom said, going through Jungkook’s photos. He was looking at the ones of Jimin in his bed, right after they had kissed.

“Thank you,” Jungkook said. He felt shaky and weak. Like he was afraid Hobeom would notice that Jimin’s lips were swollen, or that his pupils were dilated. His heart rate was out of control.

“I have some space in the gallery in the main hall. I was hoping that if it was okay with you and your partner here, that you could put these up in that space. The development is really nice, and your talent really shows,” Hobeom said.

Jungkook had never had his own space in a gallery before. He had shared space with other students, but having his own would be amazing. It was an honour he couldn’t refuse.

But he didn’t know if Jimin would be okay with that. He remembered when they first started talking, Jimin warned him not to put the photos up anywhere. And with all his drama with the videos circulating, he didn’t know if Jimin would want any more attention around campus.

He would have to talk to him. Which would be difficult considering he was avoiding Jimin.

He felt like such a hypocrite. Jungkook had chased Jimin down and made him stop avoiding him just for Jungkook to do it right back to him. It was unfair, and mean, but Jungkook couldn’t bear to look at him.

Every time he saw Jimin, questions that he had been neglecting to answer for weeks came to the surface. He knew it was about time he answered them, but he just wasn’t ready. He couldn’t do it. Not yet.

“I’ll have to talk to Jimin about it, but I would very happily accept that space if he says yes,” Jungkook answered. He really hoped Jimin would say yes.

“Good. I look forward to hearing his answer.”

Jungkook walked out of class, and he couldn’t believe he sat through the whole thing without turning around and punching Yugyeom in the face. It was a struggle for sure. Especially since he always had to sit right behind Jungkook.

The guy was a pig. Jungkook almost wanted to catch him outside of school and teach him a lesson.

His thoughts were interrupted when a tiny hand wrapped around his wrist. He knew who it was before he even turned around. He recognized the soft skin of his fingers.

“Jungkook? I haven’t seen you in a few days,” Jimin said. He looked sad and worried. Jungkook knew he had a right to be sad and worried.

“Yeah, I’ve been busy. Sorry, but I should go,” Jungkook said, trying to walk away. But Jimin’s grip on his wrist tightened and he held Jungkook in place. Jimin was small, but he was strong.

“If I can’t avoid you, you can’t avoid me either. Come talk to me over there,” Jimin said, nodding over to an empty looking corridor.

Jungkook went with him, even though his instincts were telling him to run away. To get as far away from Jimin as possible.

Once he was sure they were completely alone, Jimin reached out and touched Jungkook’s hand with his. But he didn’t get a chance to hold it before Jungkook pulled it away. Jimin looked so hurt by it.

“Why are you avoiding me?” Jimin asked. Jungkook thought he might cry. Jimin made him feel so many things and they were all coming to the surface.

“I can’t even look at you right now,” Jungkook answered. He could feel his eyes start to water.

“Jungkook…” Jimin said, taking a step closer. He reached up and gently held Jungkook’s face in his hands. Jungkook wanted to pull away, but Jimin’s hands were so soft. So comfortable.

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