Hey batter batter , hey batter batter , swing !

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This is so boring.”

“It’s boring because you don’t understand it.”

“Neither do you!”

“Yeah but-“ Jimin glances at the field, “-I’m learning.”

Taehyung scoffs. “Bullshit. What’s happening right now?”

Jimin looks back at the field. He doesn't want to the give Taehyung the satisfaction of being right (because honestly, he is), but Jimin doesn't know what the hell is going on. All he knows is that the score is 2-3, their school is in the lead, and their is a guy on base. Basic baseball knowledge, but other than that, he’s lost.

Suddenly, the crowd starts cheering and he sees their home team, The Tigers, go over to the area where the pitcher stands (whatever the fuck it’s called) and congratulate him. Jimin smiles and cups his hands around his mouth. “GOOD JOB JUNGKOOK!”

He sees the young pitcher turn around and smile at him, quickly waving before heading to the place where the team goes to rest and sit (whatever the fuck it’s called). Jimin hears Taehyung scoff again, “You don’t even know what he did.”

“I know he did something good!”

Taehyung rolls his eyes. “He got a strikeout. His 6th of the game.”

“Yeah, strikeout, I knew that!”

Taehyung groans and throws his head back. “Jimin, do we really have to come to every single game? Baseball is so fucking boring.”

Jimin opens his mouth to argue but immediately snaps it shut. He knows baseball is boring, anybody who doesn't play baseball finds it boring, but that’s not the reason he comes to these games. He comes to support his boyfriend, Jungkook. And Taehyung knows this, he just really likes to get on Jimin’s nerves (or he just really hates baseball)(it’s probably both).

“Fine, next time I won’t invite you. I’ll invite Namjoon hyung or something.”

“Good, I won’t have to sit here and watch this boring ass sport. You drooling over Jungkook makes it worse.”

“I don’t drool…” Jimin pouts. The boys in front of Jimin suddenly groan out loud and he whips his head towards the field. He deflates when he notices it isn't Jungkook batting.

“That was total bullshit.” He hears one of the boys say.

“Yeah, that throw was totally outside of the plate, the umpire must be fucking blind.” The other boy responds.

“Yeah totally.” Jimin mutters to himself, even though he has no idea what he’s agreeing to. The batter at the plate swings at another pitch and the crowd groans as he goes to sit in the… (Jimin quickly turns on his phone and opens up google)… dugout. He perks up when the sees his boyfriend, number 58, walk up to the plate. Jimin stands up and begins clapping loudly. “ALRIGHT, GO JUNGKOOK!”

Jungkook doesn't react to Jimin’s cheering. Jimin knows he’s concentrating on the game and is thinking about his next few swings, trying to read the pitcher and see what he’s going to throw. Jungkook gets into his stance and gets ready to swing. This is why Jimin comes to all the their games. Seeing his boyfriend so serious and doing what he loves fills Jimin with so much pride. Plus, the schools baseball uniform accentuates his ass very well, so that’s a major bonus.

The first pinch is thrown and Jungkook immediately swings at it. The ball connects with the bat and the crowd stands as Jungkook runs to first base. He stops there and begins taking off his gloves. Jimin looks down at Taehyung, “What did he do?”

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