Shiver 1/9 - 1/5

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Jimin tossed and turned but he couldn’t fall asleep. Thoughts of what he could have done differently, and what he could have done better flooded his brain.

Jimin was too absent when he needed company, too clingy when he needed space. There were a million things he could have done better, but he didn’t.

And now he was alone, in the shitty bed that was all he could afford after having to find a new place to live and start over. He had no one by his side to hold him while he cried, no one to kiss him better. He was alone and it was his fault.

He pulled his phone off the bedside table. He knew it was stupid to do, but he couldn’t help himself any longer. He had no one to stop him.

He scrolled and found the man’s name, Jinyoung. There were still heart emojis decorating the name, and it broke Jimin’s heart even more.

Jimin: I miss you

As soon as he sent the text he felt miserable. He wanted to take it back immediately. It wouldn’t get a response, none of the other ones did.

It would have been about three months now since he last saw Jinyoung, and Jimin thought things would get better with time, but he just felt worse. Jinyoung was still plaguing his mind, and he missed him more every day.

He missed the apartment they had together, the cat they had together, the life they had together. He missed Jinyoung’s family and the friends he took with him. Jimin really only had two friends left. Everything he had, he shared with Jinyoung.

But not anymore. He was completely and utterly alone.

Jimin shivered, curling into himself. He was so cold when he was by himself. He was used to having a warm body to hold him. But these last few months had been freezing. He couldn’t feel his fingers.

His phone vibrated, and he never moved faster than in that moment, grabbing his phone and unlocking it.

But it wasn’t Jinyoung.

Taetae: Hi kid. Hoseok and I are going to a party tomorrow and we think it would be good for you to come out and maybe meet some new people. Think it over!

Jimin normally would have refused, but the thought of being anything but alone right now sounded wonderful.

Jimin: Sure. I’ll go.


“Why did we decide to walk again? It’s cold,” Jimin said, putting his frozen hands into his pockets.

“Because we’re all gonna get smashed tonight! It’ll be too fun to drive,” Taehyung said, slapping Jimin in the back.

Jimin grumbled. He didn’t like the cold. He couldn’t feel his ears or his lips. He didn’t really intend on drinking a lot, he could have driven. But Taehyung always had other plans for them. Jimin was just hoping he wouldn’t spend the night helping Taehyung throw up.

They were close to the place, and Jimin suddenly felt nervous. He hadn’t been to party like this in so long. When he was with Jinyoung they never did stuff like this, and since they broke up he hadn’t had the confidence to go out again.

“Hey Jimin. You getting laid tonight?” Taehyung said with a wink. Jimin blushed and pushed him away.

“Tae! Don’t push him. He’s been through a lot,” Hoseok said, pushing him as well.

“Well that doesn’t mean he can’t get his brains fucked out by some hot party goer!” Taehyung said. Jimin groaned.

“I’m not looking for that right now. I just want to have fun and take my mind off of things,” Jimin said. Taehyung shrugged.

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