Be my soul , be my mate

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Jimin concentrated all his strength on his paws, begging his body to give it all for a final sprint. He could already see the forest clearing in front of him, he only needed  to hang in there for a couple of minutes to win the race.

But he didn’t. He couldn’t against Jungkook, anyways. It was already set the moment they decided to run against each other to see who would reach first the green field hidden behind the mountains that Jungkook would proclaim himself as the winner. But Jimin tasted the victory on his tongue for the split seconds it lasted.

Sure, Jungkook was younger than him, but his status of an Alpha granted him of more powerful features that Jimin’s omega’s body could only dream about; but that didn’t stop them from spending time together, it was something they did since they were pups, and it gave Jimin quite the satisfaction to know Jungkook, despite his newfound status, still wanted to play around with the elder as equals and ignore the rest of Alphas that asked for the younger’s attention.

Jungkook’s black form stopped a few feet in front of the tiny lake where the river coming from the mountain cascaded to, and turned around to stare at Jimin’s approaching form.

The elder couldn’t see it on the other’s wolf face, but he knew the younger enough to sense the victorious aura emanating from him. Jimin could even imagine the smug smirk the younger would have stuck on his face were he in his human form.

The auburn wolf slowed down to a stop when he reached the edge of the lake and leaned forward to dart his tongue out and drink a bit of the fresh water. They loved to come here, just the both of them. It was their secret place since they could ever remember, and always came here whenever they wanted to be alone and forget about the pressure their pack put on them since they reached mature age.

They were young, the new generation and sure one to be strong, so the elders already forced them to become better and start a family to grant the safety and prosperity of their pack. Jungkook felt the pressure the most, having just reached maturity and being the son of one of the most powerful and strong families obliged him to be part of the group of alphas that were supposed to go hunt or protect their territory so the pack would be safe in the mountains.

Jimin ignored the younger when Jungkook nudged with his snout at his side, hot breath ruffling playfully his reddish fur. The younger persisted in trying to catch Jimin’s attention, this time a bit stronger, pushing the older’s tiny form to the side until Jimin stumbled with his own legs. He let out a warning growl without any menace that did a poor job at scaring the younger wolf; both of them knew Jimin could never put on a fight with the younger and that Jungkook could easily win over the smaller one in case it happened.

Jungkook jumped back and put his rear to the air with his tail waggling happily, ears pointing up and eyes full of mischief. If Jimin were on his human form he would have chuckled at the younger’s cuteness. It was quite adorable to see such a big and menacing wolf like Jungkook play around like a new-born puppy.

Jungkook bared his teeth and growled when Jimin kept ignoring him, deep sound coming from the deepest nook of his chest that resonated throughout Jimin’s body and made his bones feel like jelly. He planted his tummy on the grass immediately, lowering head and ears as a soft whimper escaped his throat. He didn’t mean to act like this, he knew it was just a playful act from the younger, but the older’s nature surfaced without permission forcing him to just submit to Jungkook’s stronger form.

Seeing Jimin’s reaction, Jungkook stopped and looked at him with uncertainty. Somehow, seeing Jimin submit to him so easily made Jungkook’s wolf growl in satisfaction inside his head, his alpha feeling proud to have someone showing him such action of respect. He ignored the giddy feeling it gave him and decided to jump to the other to keep their play.

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