Late morning , early noon

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Jungkook snuffles awake at half-past eleven, Namjoon’s snores playing a beat against his eardrums. Shivering, he burrows himself deeper into the Pikachu onesie he donned for bed last night and wishes Seokjin would one day stop keeping the dorm at practically-below-freezing temperatures. He entertains the thought of sleeping in a while longer, squinting at the time on his phone before deciding that he doesn’t have the excuse of working all hours of the night now that they're on a semi-break, unlike his unconscious leader.

That, and his stomach practically kicks him out of bed.

He blearily stumbles out the door, taking care to close it as softly as he can manage behind him. His eyes are half closed, lips smacking the cotton of sleep from his mouth, but he still manages to follow the sounds of the television to the living room. And he only stubs his toe once! He doesn’t even whine until he tries, and somewhat fails, to make it around the corner, clipping his shoulder.

He groans, smacking the wall half-heartedly in revenge. “Fuckin’ stupid wall…” his mumbled insults trail off, voice raspy.

A giggle reaches his ears, finally forcing his eyes to wrench open all the way. Jimin’s lounging on the couch in his typical sweats-and-muscle-shirt combo that Jungkook has a never-ending love/hate relationship with. He would roll his eyes if his vision wasn’t still sleep-addled and blurry. Honestly, it doesn't even make sense. It's cold. Jimin could wear a proper shirt, at least.

“Morning, sunshine,” Jimin grins at him and Jungkook wants to tell him to put his teeth away. His smile is too bright for the early hours of noon. Jungkook needs to be awake for at least three hours before he can face it without his heart jumping out of his chest.

Still, he grunts an almost-unintelligible, “Good morning,” back. Heaving a sigh, he wishes for a moment that he could still be sleeping. Then he wouldn’t have to deal with the sun or the noise or Hoseok being on the opposite end of the couch, keeping him from doing whatever he wanted with Jimin. But he can make do. He's good at making the best out of situations.

Jungkook practically trips over himself to Jimin and fits himself into the barely there space between his side and the arm of the couch. He curls up, until he's mostly on Jimin's lap, shoving and pushing and pressing until he's comfortable despite the groans of protest coming from above him. Once settled, he shoves his face into Jimin's stomach, nuzzling against the worn cotton of his shirt.

One of Jimin's hands come up to settle on his waist, his other going to card through his hair, pushing away the bright yellow hood of his onesie. "What is this? Aren't you supposed to be waking up right now?" he asks, tugging on a few strands.

Jungkook whines and immediately regrets it when he hears Hoseok snort, his ears burning hot. Huffing, he pulls at the hem of Jimin's shirt and dramatically throws as much of it as he can manage over his face. He noses against Jimin’s stomach, lips pressing a smile into his skin when he hears the boy’s giggles. All of Jungkook's edges still feel too cold but Jimin is so warm, he can't help but let out a hum of contentment, eliciting more ticklish laughter. Spending the rest of the day in this very position starts seeming like a very good idea.

Fate isn't on his side though and he only gets five breaths in and two more possible not-kisses against a warm, taut tummy before impatient fingers start tap-tap-tapping against the side of his neck.

"Five more minutes," he pleads, but it comes out muffled and garbled.

Jimin laughs at him again, lifting up his shirt until light is once again filtering past Jungkook's eyelids. He's a little surprised, he thought he was buried much deeper into Jimin's stomach.

"You have to stop trying to baby kangaroo me," Jimin says, laughter lacing his words. 

"Also we decided the living room was a PDA-free zone. Get outta here," Hoseok crows, reaching his foot over to poke at one of his arms, trying to pry the two apart with his toes. 

Jungkook pouts at them, making his eyes as wide and round as they'll go, batting a hand at the invading foot. He tightens his other arm where it’s lying around Jimin's hips and tilts his head to his perfect cuteness angle. It's his last hope, his last-ditch effort, even though he's cringing and dying internally.

"Nope. No, you don't," Jimin is outright laughing at him now, not even having the decency to try and conceal it. Jungkook's pout drops down into a scowl. How dare he. "Go. Eat some cereal. Brush your teeth. Piss," he starts patting Jungkook's butt incessantly, until the younger boy is rolling halfway off him, "We'll cuddle after, I promise."

Jungkook heaves a sigh as heavy as Earth itself. "Fine," he manages, his first coherent word of the day, and rolls some more until he's flopping onto the ground.

"Good boy," Jimin is snickering. Jungkook headbutts his knees. Hoseok tells them both to shut up. "When you come back, I'll even kick Hoseok hyung off the couch and we can take over for the day."

Hoseok squawks and moves into the space Jungkook just vacated, smacking repeatedly at Jimin's arms. Jungkook huffs a laugh and clambers to his feet before he can be roped into the wrestling match that is no doubt about to break out, a bunny toothed smile pulling at the corners of his lips. 

"You better," he points in Jimin's face, dodging around Hoseok when he turns to smack him as well. Leaning down, he clasps his hands tightly around Jimin's face, giving him a quick peck, vehemently ignoring the disgusted looks and whines about morning breath and There's a no PDA rule!

When he turns away to finally make his way to the kitchen, pulling his obnoxiously yellow hood back up, there’s a blinding smile on Jimin’s face. So maybe being forced to stay awake isn’t so bad. It’s pretty okay. Actually, when it’s like this, it's perfect. He doesn't even mind his heart straight up packing its bags and deciding to move to Bermuda because it's too early for him to be so lovesick.

"Make me a sandwich while you're in there!" Jimin calls after him.

Jungkook groans. Okay, maybe not perfect.

But he still pulls the bread out.

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