> prologue <

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punch, one after an another. fast footsteps and yelling.

"stop stop! no, don't touch him!" a voice sobbed, trying to wiggle out of the grip of two males.

the sobs woke up the unconscious male, staring up at the male in front of him.

"you wanna get involved with this, huh?" the male kneeled down and harshly grabbing the male by his chin.

"you have no right to hurt them," the male stared at the another one, who's grip on his chin tightened.

"i don't? and who tells me that? oh right, you," he hissed and punched the male.

"no! don't hurt him!!" the male wiggled out of the grip of the males, charging forward to the male who punched the now again unconscious male.

the male turned to the other male who charged towards him, putting a leg to make him fall and he did.

"come on, let's go, guys. you know what happens if you tell anyone." he glanced at the male's.

first chapter on 1st of june.

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