part 10 ;; mysterious jaebum

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bambam hurried his way back to his dorm, shutting the door as he got inside. he took off his shoes, throwing his backpack aside before going upstairs to his bedroom.

'so will you pick me up from my dorm?' he sent a message to jinyoung as opened the window.

he took the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and sat down on the windowsill, lighting one of the cigarettes.

he rarely smoked, it wasn't his habit to do so, but he did it when he was stressed. he smoked it quickly, dumping it out of the window after putting it out.

bambam the grabbed his phone, looking at the answer from jinyoung. 'am there at 7.30pm, be ready then. jb has something interesting' was all the older male had replied to him.

he grabbed a hoodie, ripped jeans and some underwear from his closet, placing them onto his bed.

going to the bathroom, undressed himself, turning the shower on and stepped under the warm water.

he hummed quietly, taking his time with his shower. as soon as he was finished, he grabbed his towel and went to his bedroom.

he grabbed another cigarette from the pack, lighting it then wrapped his towel around his waist. he turned on one of his stereo's, putting on some music from his phone as he sat onto his bed.

he now took his time to smoke the cigarette, letting the room fill with the smell of smoke.

he stood up, putting out the cigarette and throwing it out of the window.

he then proceeded to dry himself and get dressed before jumping into the bed and scrolling through the social medias to pass the time.


2 minutes before he'd be here, bambam thought and got up from his bed.

he turned off the stereo and grabbed his wallet just in case with him.

he hurried downstairs, got his shoes on and stepped outside his dorm, stuffing his keys to his pocket.

"bam, come on," he heard the familiar voice yell for him.

he looked up and went to jinyoung's car as soon as he realized.

"so what are we doing tonight?" bambam asked as he sat down and jinyoung quickly left.

"dunno, jaebum said he got something interesting to us to try out though, didn't specify," the older male told.

"ohh, he's being mysterious. is jackson there already?" he asked again.

"probably yeah," jinyoung answered. "alright, and no one else?" he made sure.

"no one else, jeesh is hwayoung pressuring you or something?" the other laughed.

"no no. just making sure," bambam grinned and leaned against the window.

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