part 7 ;; a welcome to hell

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yugyeom begged the two males to stop and just let him go. he said he'd not get involved anymore, but nothing made the two let go until they reached the restroom.

jaebum harshly grabbed yugyeom's backpack away from him and threw it to the side. jackson pushed yugyeom towards the free toilet and jaebum grabbed him by his hoodie.

he turned to look at jackson, counting silently. "one.. two.. three..," he whispered, harshly pushing the younger's face into the toilet.

they both laughed loudly as yugyeom's hair got soaked in the toilet water.

jackson proceeded to kick the younger to his side, causing the male to inhale some of the water, making it hard to breathe.

jaebum pulled yugyeom out, hearing how the male started choking up the water. he proceeded to punch the male on his nose, hearing it crack as his fist landed.

yugyeom let out a whimper in pain, tears rolling down his soaking wet face. drops of water dripping on the floor and his clothes.

"come on jackson. we'll have more fun with this shit later," jaebum told, cleaning his hand and left, jackson behind him.

that's when yugyeom let it all out. loud sobs almost choking him as the pain got worse.


bambam cleaned his knuckles in his shirt as he watched mark and youngjae before scoffing loudly.

"let's leave," bambam touched jinyoung's arm and the two left in silence.

youngjae crawled to the older male, putting his head on his lap and letting the tears fall. "i hurts so much..," he whispered.

mark proceeded to suck up the pain, gently petting youngjae's hair. "i know.. i know..,"

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