metaphorical, isnt it?

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my hair gets in
my face sometimes
i sweep it away
with passive aggressive
with intentions of
dismissing it from
the surface of my
this is
kind of like how
i treat my feelings
putting all the grip
i can muster
onto a rope
we can call the rope
"emotional stability"
i'm not a very strong person
my arms are small
and my mind is weak
but i am here to learn
i pull the rope
my feet plant
into the ground
like the roots
of douglas firs
standing firmly
in their place
i pull my weight back
but there is something
on the other side
pulling it against me
one day i put on my shoes
and i walked to
the other side of the rope
sweat drowning my pores
i run forward
coming to the end
of the rope
it is me,
with the rope
tightly in my
weakened grip.
i am holding
myself back.

flecks of charismaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora