orchestra of one

16 1 0

i was looking
at skin care
products online.
i thought about the
of my wider acceptance
if my appearance bettered.
i remember i have no one to please
because no one
will take the chance
to stop and not overlook me.
i don't get it.
i'm 6 foot fucking 3,
and you still can't see me?
oh right,
i remember...
you can only recognize me
when you have spite to release.
an arrow to shoot,
a vibration to settle in my brain.
every time i find a new beginning,
i end up right where my old
story left off.
i am heartbroken
that people around me
can read my thoughts,
and simply overlook them.
the art of being someone,
is not one that i have mastered.
but i hope i get there before
i can't bear myself anymore.

; i desire to not exist

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