hue II

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for the lipstick message
written on the bathroom mirror
in careful cursive
"die, along with my heart"
our deep freezer
i crammed all your
stuff into
in a hasty tearful fashion
your laptop stopped working
after being exposed to the cold
for too long?
me too,
me too.
sitting in the grass
tearing out immature dandelions
and biting the tops off of them
and throwing them into the oceanic sky
(isn't it like an ocean? it's so deep.
i never knew deep until i knew you).
the turbulence of nightmares
while conscious,
with eyes closed
flashes of light when i rub my eyes
(i could do this for hours)
finally drifting off to sleep
drowning in cotton

flecks of charismaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz