a short week's dawns

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my coat feels too formal
it's monday morning
and my heart is breaking
the rolled up sleeves
of my sweater
bulge out
makes me look as if
my skin gathers
at the bottom of my upper arm
above my elbow
today i'm quaint

my knit sweater doesn't
shield me from the wind
this iced tuesday morning
i stand at the bus stop
shivering under my breath
i have a certain bounce
in my step
my bed lays vacant
and unmade
in my idle room
the cement roots
into my heels

i realize as i walked
the door
that my clothes were
extremely lint covered
people will judge you
no matter what you do
there is no escape
this weeks weather
is strange
the day starts cold
and get warm throughout
the day
kind of like me
i hum

i feel like something died
in me
while i was sleeping
my body is uncomfortable
why is my skin itchy
i don't deserve anything
or anybody
this thursday is
off to a rocky start
the bus dips into the
bumps in the road
and softer
compared to yesterday
why do i even try
to exist when music
isn't an escape
but it is a cage

i wrote these little poems every morning this week to document myself, today was a reverse sequence compared to how it usually goes, or was it? ~tyrel

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