38| "Mistakes Aren't Just Mistakes Anymore."

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"I need a ride."

"To where?" Dad asked.

"To the clinic." I bit the bottom part of my lip and closed my eyes. "I need to get my ultrasound today."

"Oh dear lord." Mother remarked as she heard the news.

She sat there in her frozen stance while Dad kept his head down until he ran his fingers through his hair and proceeded to ask. "Uh, who's the father?"

"The child's father?"

"Yes. The child's father." Dad nodded as he looked at me square in the eyes. I was tempted to keep dodging the subjected except there was no escaping that persuasive glare of his.

"His name is Frasier Montgomery." I announced. "A real suave, British guy that swings both ways. That night we landed into each other and then–"

"Does he know?"

I nodded and Mother covered her mouth while my Dad sighed.

"I'm really sorry for this and you both know I don't apologize for anything." I spoke up as I felt their shame seeping into my soul.

"You don't have to be sorry, I just..." Dad sat down across from me and held onto my hands. "I-I just don't understand... I don't understand how it happened."

"I don't either." I scoffed. "I mean, of course I get how I got pregnant, but he wore a condom and everything. We weren't even trying–"

"I'm gonna be an aunt?" Chrissy exclaimed once she came down the stairs.

My parents looked at each other with horror and confusion plastered on their faces as I slowly walked over to her with a smile on my face. I caressed her hair and nodded. "Yeah. You get to have a little niece or nephew."

"Wow. That's so cool."

"It sure is..." I responded solemnly while Dad got up.

"So, you need a ride to clinic?"

"Yes." I answered.

"Okay then. I'll be ready in five minutes. I just... I need some air."

Dad left abruptly as Mother clutched her heart and shook her head.

During that time, Todd made his way nearby and asked. "What happened?"

"I told them about my child."

"Whoa." Todd's eyes widened as he heard me say those words. For a moment, he couldn't get a solid word out until he laughed and said, "What'd he say? Your kid's father?"

"He wanted to know if it was real so he's gonna be with me at the ultrasound."

"That's uh... Wow." Todd snickered much to my annoyance.

"Don't judge me."

"I'm not." Todd shook his head while keeping his eyes straight.

"Well that look says it all."

"Hey, I'm not judging." Todd up his hands up. "I'm...surprised, but not surprised."

"Of course." I shrugged and rolled my eyes. "Are you disappointed too?"

"Oh I don't have any place for disappointment, I'm just worried about you."

"You and everyone else on this goddamn planet." I scoffed before grabbing my purse. "Listen, I don't need a lecture from you."

"Don't worry, you won't get one from me."

"Good." I smiled and made my way out.

"Just be careful."

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