[Chapter 19: Interrorgate]

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When I finally regained consciousness, it was already late evening. It took me plenty of effort to get into a sitting position. My muscles felt like lead and my mind was pushed to exhaustion. Not to mention, I was starving.

"You're finally awake. Feeling better?" Axel asked.

I finally noticed that it was almost sundown. I had been unconscious for almost an entire day. I must have overexerted myself.

"They brought Inya in for interrogation," Axel informed.

"The transfer worked, Laila. They could not pry the information out of me, even by Akashic means," Inya stated.

I noticed that her wrists had red marks and she looked pale. What had they done to her? Through the cage bars I took her hand in mine.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

Inya gave me a weak smile," I am more worried about you actually. It is only a matter of time before the prince realises that you have the information. We have only delayed the process. We still need an escape plan," Inya said.

I nodded. One of the men came over and gave us our food. I was so hungry, I pretty much gobbled everything down in a single breath.

Only after an hour, had I realised my mistake.

Instead of feeling energised after the meal, my body felt weaker. My mind started to grow hazy, I was having trouble thinking straight. My cage swung open and two men dragged me out of the cage.

I faintly heard Axel and Inya say something. I was too in daze to discern it.

When I finally dropped to ground, I looked up to see an amused Hizar staring back at me. I was in his tent, laying before him, unable to move properly. It now made sense. I cursed to myself.

"You... Drugged me," I slurred, unable to sound angry enough.

"Indeed I did, mechil," he said, lifting me and placing me onto his soft mats.

I tried to struggle in his grasp, but even that was becoming to difficult. My movements were so sluggish. Hizar sat by my side and traced his finger down my jawline. I winced under his touch.

"Now, mechil. I think it is about time you come clean. Who are you and where did you come from?" He asked, still gently touching my skin, which seemed more affected than it was yesterday. It must have been the drug.
I remained silent. A measly drug was not going to control me.

Hizar smiled,"Still stubborn... Very well." His hands left my neck and went straight to my forehead. He pressed two fingers onto my temple. I felt a strange force push me down.

"I repeat once again. Who are you and where did you come from?" he asked. His words seemed like a mesmerising tune all of a sudden. My mind felt complied to obey. I was too weak to fight against his Akashic manipulation.

"I-I am... From the...," I kept trying to stop myself , but it was getting even harder by the second.

"Future..." I said, unable to stop the word from spilling from my mouth.

Hizar was genuinely surprised. For a moment he broke his Akashic connection. I could tell, he never expected this answer.

"The future," he repeated my words.

He activated his Akashic manipulation yet again.

"Tell me the truth," he pressed on.

"I... Am from the future. I travelled back in time... Through a rip in the Akashic..." I said, losing the energy to fight back.

Hizar was dumbfounded. He could not believe it. However, he continued his questions.

"What is your purpose of coming here?" he asked.

"To... Find a way back... It was an accident. Time travelling was an accident..." I slurred on.

"And how, are you so well-versed in Akashic Manipulation?" he asked.

To be honest, I did not have an answer to that. I was unaware myself. However, I assumed I was modified to be able to do so.

"I... I was modified and trained," I answered.

"You intrigue me... I think I have found something much more valuable than what I came for. I think I want to take you back to the palace..." Hizar said.

He entwined his fingers in my hair and leaned towards me. His face was inches apart. I was once again intoxicated by the woody scent of musk.

"What do you think...? Want to return to Lara with me?" he said with a flirtatious smile.

I groaned in protest. I had to escape. But how?

Hizar tugged down one of the sleeves of my dress, his fingers trailing down my arm in the process. I kept struggling to escape. He pressed feather light kisses on my neck.

I wanted to scream in protest. This was not happening! I tried to push away, but he held me in place. He trailed his hands even lower. I could not do anything but whimper. I was trapped.

Was this how it was going to end? We would not find a way back? I would be tainted forever? And brought to Lara for who knows what?

I would never return home? At that point... I had almost lost hope.

But little did I know, hope was not going to lose me anytime soon.

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