signs as stuff that i have said

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Aries: swoogity swoog stop before you get your ass removed

Taurus: Kitty can shove her drumsticks up my ass

Gemini: *entire Jabba the Hutt song by PewDiePie*


Leo: wow I spent 2017 on having my entire life crumbling to pieces

Virgo: Gavin is guilty pleasure

Libra: *sees baby crying* same

Scorpio: faggot? Am I fucking wELSH DISH TO YOU?????

Sagittarius: Starfucks-- I mean Starbucks

Capricorn: if you say that one more time I'm gonna walk off a fucking cliff

Aquarius: can Olivia Olson fucK me

Pisces: hello I'm here to start a kickstarter to appreciate Ray Toro

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