signs as quotes of the mcr section of the book of emo

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Aries: "Gerard's 'from bloody vampire to awkward lesbian' transition"

Taurus: "his vocal chords don't get so damaged from all his screaming"

Gemini: Frank's picture surrounded with the word "rat"

Cancer: "Also, no product? Don't lie, Raymond"

Leo: "Franklin Anthony Thomas Iero Jr Pricollo, aka a fucking chipotle bag"

Virgo: "but if they stan [Mikey] they worship him- which honestly same"

Libra: "imagine lighting bolts shooting out of his Les Paul's when he does a solo and then you see Ray Toro's talent in a nutshell"

Scorpio: "Frank is a rat (we still love him though)"

Sagittarius: "in one word? Godly." (talking about ray)

Capricorn: "Gerard Way is make up extrodinare; clown school!"

Aquarius: "If they don't stan Mikey they'll usually react by saying 'awkward knees bass player' "

Pisces: "so imagine God playing electric guitar. Ray Toro, everyone!"

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