♡chapter 4♡

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It was a bright and early Tuesday morning

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It was a bright and early Tuesday morning. It was currently 56 degrees outside, which wasn't that bad compared to yesterday's weather where it was only 24 degrees. The clouds blocked the sun and there was a slight breeze, making it feel chillier than it actually was. There were only four days left till Christmas, which meant only three days left until he could buy a present for Irene and the kitties.

Mark was the first of the bunch to wake up. He slowly opened his eyes and yawned, stretching his back out. So many thoughts were flooding his mind at the moment. It was all about Jinyoung. Mark thought the boy was highly cute and definitely wanted to get to know him better. Of course that would have to wait, he doesn't want to freak Jinyoung out. An idea popped into his mind which made the older excited. He bounded towards the sleeping boy and cuddles right next to his face.

Mark's tickling fur woke up the tired boy with a weak smile on his face. He tickled Mark underneath his neck and gave him a sweet peck on his cheek. This made Mark's stomach flutter and started to purr, signaling Jinyoung that he was enjoying it.

Without the two knowing, Jackson was secretly watching with jealously laced in his eyes. He didn't like the two interacting with each other at all. Anger taking over his actions, Jackson strode over to the two and sat right on top of Mark.

Seeing this, Jinyoung burst into a fit of giggles and Jackson was frozen. The boys laugh was absolutely beautiful and he didn't want him to stop. Forgetting about the situation he was in, Mark pushed Jackson off of him and lightly swatted at his booty.

"You guys are too much." Jinyoung croaked out in his morning voice, leaving Mark and Jackson shook. They both looked at each other with the same idea and decided to get Jinyoung to talk more.

Jackson licked Mark's cheek, making Jinyoung to stare in awe at the kitties. Mark meowed and laid down, Jackson following behind and laying down next to him.

"Oh my gosh, I have to take a picture of this!!" Jinyoung ran and got his phone, opening his camera right away and acting like the paparazzi. Jackson rested his head on top of Mark's head, causing Jinyoung to squeal and wake up Youngjae.

568 likepeachwithabooty LOOK AT MY BABIES GETTING ALONG OH MY

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568 like

jungshook IM SHOOK
baechuiscomingforchu JACKSON AND MARK OMFG CUTIES
joyful they are adorable awe I'm soft
jinyoungieiscute Jinyoung oppa post a selfie please!

Youngjae pawed at Jaebum's face until he saw his eyes flutter open, getting butterflies in his tummy. Jaebum softly meowed and licked the latters cheek.

Jinyoung turned his head and spotted the two love birds cuddling just like Mark and Jackson, and the sight melted his heart. He sneakily crept over and and smiled at the two, running his fingers through their fur.

Soon enough, BamBam woke up and flicked his tail at Yugyeom, making the younger slowly open his eyes and glare at the older.

   You have (1) new messages!

Jinyoung opened up his phone and his eyes widened. He didn't know how to react to the message he had just received, so he told his mother he will be right over to see if she was okay.

You have to get a job.

All six kitties were curious where their beloved owned was going so they decided to follow him. Looking for his keys, Jinyoung soon around to the six kitties all in a line.

"Aish guys I'll be back soon! I'm going to see...my mother." Jinyoung spoke in disgust but soon spotted his keys and left in a hurry. There was no way he was going to get a job when he didn't need one.

•Baechu is Irene lmao

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