♡chapter 11♡

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Two words to summarize the week after the incident

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Two words to summarize the week after the incident.

Awkward glances.

That's the only thing everybody did to each other. All of the boys already got word of what went down in the kitchen, so it became awkward for them whenever Yugyeom, Kunpimook, and Jinyoung were in the same room.

Finally, they all had enough of the unsettling atmosphere and decided to just talk it out. Mark sat on Jackson's lap, nervously playing with the boys kitty ears as they wait for Jinyoung to get home.

Youngjae was scrolling through his Instagram, quietly giggling here and there. Jaebum watched the sunshine in awe, wondering how he got so lucky to snag a kitty like him. Sneakily, Jaebum wrapped his tail around Youngjae's thigh and lazily wrapped his arm around the youngers shoulders, pulling him in closer.

Kunpimook just stared at the wall, too bothered to even interact with the others or pick up his phone. He tried talking to Yugyeom all week but it was no use. Every time the older would even look at the younger, Yugyeom would immediately turn away or start a conversation with someone else.

Meanwhile, Yugyeom was a nervous wreck. He had no idea what to say to Jinyoung...or even Kunpimook actually. The only thing he knew was that he had feelings for the both of them, but the younger just didn't know how to act on it. Subconsciously, Yugyeom has always liked Kunpimook but never could admit it to himself. Then, there was Jinyoung who he gotten use to right away. After a couple of days spending time with the older, he grown to like Jinyoung and eventually knew that he actually had feelings for him. The only problem was that he still had feelings for Kunpimook who probably didn't like him back.

"I'm home!" Jinyoung yelled, hanging up his coat and taking off his shoes. Slipping off his gloves and scarf, he cupped his hands together and blew in them, hoping to retrieve the warmth that left while he was walking home. It wasn't until he entered his living room that he knew something was wrong.

"Oh jeez what happened this time?" Nobody spoke. They became too afraid to bring up the subject that has been making everybody moody and awkward for days. What if bringing this up might trigger someone? Yugyeom would probably cry, Kunpimook would storm out, Jinyoung would be to stressed to even confront anybody, and where did that leave the rest of them? Probably even more awkward and 10x moody then before.

Suddenly gaining confidence, Kunpimook stood up and placed his hands on his hips. "Listen...I know everything has been um awkward lately." He quickly looked at Yugyeom, only to find him staring at his hands and playing with his fingers. Kunpimook flashed a small smile but focused his attention back onto the rest of the group.

"But we need to let everything out right now. First of all, there's definitely something going on with you two!" The attention shifted towards Jackson and Mark who were innocently tangled with each other's bodies.

"Wha-what?" Mark whispered, nervously looking at the smirks that were plastered into everybody's face. Jackson chuckled and wrapped his arms around the petites boys waist, squeezing him slightly to reassure the other.

"Alright since were doing this, I guess I'll say what everybody besides, Mark because he's to oblivious, probably knows. I have feelings for Mark and honestly...I think I love him."

"Come again?" Mark squeaked out, his emotions getting the better of him. Tears started to slip out but were quickly cleared away by Jackson's lips, who were kissing them away.

"Mark Tuan, I love you so so so much and would be very happy if you let me take you out on a date." Jackson beamed, smiling at the older who sat there dumbfounded. He wasn't aware that Jackson felt the same way Mark has been feeling.

"Of course." Mark finally whispered, being peppered with kisses on his face by Jackson. Everybody cheered and clapped, relieved that the two finally were officially getting together.

It was actually quite smart for Kunpimook to start out with something that would end up with smiles and kisses because now, arguments were mostly going to be the rest of the night.

"Youngjae and Jaebum are fine...besides them being loud at night but whatev-THROW SOMETHING AT ME ONE MORE TIME JAEBUM-AH!"


Yugyeom let out a chuckle as he watched the pair playfully argue. Turning around, Jinyoung smiled as he heard the once cheerful boy laugh. It was the first time in days since Jinyoung heard that wonderful sound.

"Aish just let's settle our problem, okay?" Kunpimook was now sternly looking at Jinyoung who was looking at Yugyeom fondly. Letting out a sigh, Yugyeom looked up and met eyes with Jinyoung.

"I...look I just-I don't even know." Yugyeom looked back down, not knowing what to say. Maybe the cat caught his tongue for the moment.

"Then I'll start. Look, Yugy I didn't mean to hurt you...I just...Aish how do I even say this? I don't know how but I've somehow caught feelings for the both of you." Jinyoung got quiet as he neared the end of his sentence, not knowing how everybody was going to take the information.

"Okay well good this is a start. Now, Bam how do you feel about Yugyeom?" Youngjae crosses his legs and placed his chin onto his hand, staring hard at the younger.

"I didn't know you were Dr. Phil." Kunpimook scoffed but quickly looked down once he caught Jaebum glaring at him. Jaebum never liked when someone insulted Youngjae. Even if it was just a joke.

"Alright fine fine...I've always liked Gyeom but lately Jinyoung Hyung has made me...feel things. Jesus fuck-"


"Sorry...anyway, I think I like the both of you but...but I'm not sure." Kunpimook finally let out. It was good to get all of this off his chest, especially since it was to the whole house. All secrets were out. Well, now we just need Yugyeom's thoughts.

"Okay so basically, you like the both of them." Kunpimook slowly but surely nodded, looking Yugyeom straight in the eyes.

"So what about you Yugy? You haven't said anything this whole time..." Jinyoung whispered, smiling softly as the younger's breath hitched.

"Ilikethebothofyouandhonesltywouldntminddatingboth." Yugyeom let out without taking any time for breathing. Everybody stared at him in silence, mouths slightly open.

"Did anybody else not get that?" Jackson mumbled, confusingly looking at everybody else who just nodded with furrowed eyebrows.

"Aish okay screw it. I like the both of you and just, IM THE MAKNAE SO TAKE ME ON A DATE INSTEAD OF JUST SITTING THERE AND BEING AWKWARD." Yugyeom whined, looking at the two boys he grew to love.


Why is it always silent?


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