♡ chapter 22 ♡

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the poor boy woke up screaming, tears streaming down his cheeks and sweat dripping down his forehead. jackson's screams and cries were enough to fully wake up mark, tossing the covers away to quickly collect the younger into his arms and hold him close to his chest, whispering calming words into his ear and begins to flutter kisses across his face.

"baby, what happened? was it a nightmare?" mark questions softly, his hands cupping jackson's cheeks and swipes away the tears, his own lips forming a pout as the younger continues to cry; clearly too shaken up by his horrid dream.

"i-it was so horrible, love. there was this guy chasing me and then he started to torture me a-and-" he choked onto another sob and his body begins to tremble, mark quickly shaking his head and gives the other a gentle squeezes before smoothing his brunette locks off of his face to place a loving kiss onto his forehead.

"i got you, love. no one can get you here in my arms. you're safe.. you're safe." the older whispered softly into jackson's ear, soon backing away so he could caress his cheeks and plants a gentle kiss to his lips. "want me to get you some milk, hm?"

"y-yes, please. milk would be nice." jackson says softly, his words almost coming out inaudible as he glances down at his fingers and begins to play with mark's shirt. "i'll be back then, jack. it's still late so try to sleep, okay?"

the younger gives mark a tiny nod and crawls off of his lap, slipping back underneath the covers and tries to get comfortable as the older leaves to go into the kitchen. jackson let's a shaky breath slip past his lips as he clutches tightly onto the fabric of the covers, gazing out into the darkness of the room before fully sinking underneath the sheets.

meanwhile, mark was heading into the kitchen to grab his love's milk, stopping as he heard muffled moans coming from— tsk. he should've known. the moans were coming from jaebum and youngjae's shared room, shaking his head as he scurries off into the kitchen which much to his surprise was yugyeom and kunpimook making out right there in front of him.

"ahem. are you guys finished or am i gonna have to squeeze around?" mark questioned with clear annoyance laced within his voice, glaring at the boys as they jumped off of each other and bewilderedly gazed at their hyung.

"i- how much did you see?" yugyeom stammered, not being able to make eye contact with mark and instead looks down at his feet while kunpimook slipped his hand into the back of the younger's boxers to squeeze his bum; a tiny mewl escaping past his lips.

"not lo- yah gross! you guys have rooms for a reason! now go go—" he quickly shoo's them off and huffs loudly, watching the boys giggle as they run back up to their rooms.

as mark was getting out the milk from the fridge, he all of a sudden felt a tingle throughout his body. he whimpered softly and glances down at his crotch which stood a blatant erection.

"what the fu- wait a minute." he mumbled softly to himself as he set everything out, pouring the milk into a mini glass and quickly puts everything back.

psh no wonder why everyone is so horny.

it's that time of month where all the kitties are in heat, and looks like their cycle is linked up.

"well shit."


alright now- i'm a little rusty with this story so don't attack me, please. better chapters will come and eventually i'm going to end this one. it's only suppose to be for fun so there really is no "true" ending to this.

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