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Diagon Ally

Brown hair was swirled in the bitter wind and was caught behind her head

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Brown hair was swirled in the bitter wind and was caught behind her head. Her face was holding an angered expression as she trudged along side of the blood sucking vampire. His face held a beautiful pantie dropping smirk. Athena couldn't look over her shoulder, because she was scared of what she would see with the vampire. She was scared after what he did to her with his super strength and force. When his teeth sunk into her neck, it left a mark that has scarred over whenever she used a healing charm, and every time the wind blew, Damon caught sight of it.

"Why hasn't that healed fully?" He asked and she grabbed her neck as she tried to hide it.

"It's none of your business." She scolded him as she tried to walk through the bar and Damon tried to walk inside as well only for him to be stopped by a barrier and the girl kept walking as Damon tapped his hand over the barrier.

"Um, Athena." He mumbled and the girl walked through the sea of people as they all started mumbling, seeing the girl's face back into the wizarding community. She knew her mother will probably hear about her presence, but she didn't care at this moment.

At this moment, she was just worried about Damon putting his fangs into her neck. She walked her way over towards the bar and smirked. "Tom!" She yelled and an elderly man with dark grey hair showed off in the dusk light as he smiled over her.

"Athena Granger? Welcome!" He cheered as he looked over the guys and girls. "Everyone Athena is back!" He yelled and they cheered along with him as she smiled.

"What can I get you Darling?" He asked and she smiled up at him.

"I have a friend outside who needs to come inside. I'll make sure he behaves." She told him and when she said this, his eyes darkened slightly.

"You have a vampire with you?" He asked and she looks at him.

"Tom, he's a friend." She told him making sure to hide her bite mark. She's knew that the lying was going to make her get in trouble one way or another. She saw Tom sigh and he went over towards the door to see Damon Salvatore sanding there with an angry expression.

She shrugged as Tom looked over him. "Well, you're welcome to come in." He told him and the vampire smiled sarcastically.

"Thank you." He told him and walked past the threshold as he dusted off his jacket. Athena grabbed his hand and pulled him along to the back as Tom shook his head.

"You be careful, Athena. He's still out there." He told her as she nods her head.

"Thank you again, Tom." She told him and gave the man a wave as she went outside into the dumpster area as Damon growled slightly at her.

"You couldn't have warmed me?" He asked as she rolled her eyes.

"Nope, I thought it would be funnier." She teased and lifted her wand to tap the individual bricks.

Once she did so, Damon looked over them in slight annoyance. "They aren't doing anything." He told her as she smirked.

"Give it a moment, this passage way is like a thousand years old." She told him and that's when the bricks started sliding around causing it to show off Diagon Ally in all of its golden days.

Damon's face went into shock as she smiled. "Damon Salvatore, welcome to Diagon Ally." She told him as he smirked inwardly.


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