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As the girl was in a little pub next to Damon, the little girl could feel her friends glare over him

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As the girl was in a little pub next to Damon, the little girl could feel her friends glare over him. "Okay, you guys need to stop with the glaring." She told them in annoyance, but the Scorpius sighed.

"You know what Eden will do about him." He told the girl as her eyes widened as she gasped.

"Oh no, I forgot about her." She mumbled and Damon furrowed her eyebrows.

"Who?" He asked and she looked over Damon.

"Eden Malfoy, she's obsessed with the supernatural world and let's just say, she's my sister." She mumbled and Damon furrowed her eyebrows.

"But your last name isn't Malfoy?" He stated confused as Fred giggled.

"Her parents are both women." He told him making Athena glare at him slightly.

"My parents really wanted a child, and my mother who died was best friends with Draco Malfoy. She asked him if he could be a sperm donor and he didn't hesitate to say 'yes'. And of course my family friends wanted children creating Eden and Scorpius." She stated while pointing over to the blonde boy and Damon nods his head.

"That's nice, but why is Eden so interested in the supernatural?" He asked and the girl sighed.

"The Wizarding War, thousands of werewolves and vampires and giants and so many more creatures helped out." She told him and looked into his blue eyes. "You are a vampire, henceforth she's going to examine you." She told her.

And Scorpius chuckled at Damon's face as he took a sip of his butter beer. "Don't be wary mate, my sister won't do anything too painful." He stated as he glared slightly over at the blonde.

"Thanks." He growled making Athena chuckle and she could finally relax feeling the warmth of her drink flow through her body and that's when Fred raised an eyebrow.

"So, Damon, why are you even here?" He asked and the vampire takes a drink of his golden brew.

"Um, I needed to contact a witch that I met over twenty years ago. She wasn't to fond of me, but over time she warmed up to me." He joked around and the girl mocked throwing up.

"Ew." She mumbled and the man shook his head.

"Not like that, she hated 'monsters' as she called me, and she would never loath down to having sex with me. She was just liking me as a friend." He told her as Athena nods her head.

As the door opens, it showed off a beautiful blonde woman who smiled and ran over to Athena and gave her a deadly hug. "Oh, Athena! I missed you!" She squealed making the girl laugh and hug her back.

"I missed you too." She told her and Eden pulled away showing off her bright purple eyes and she looked over Damon and gasped.

"And you brought a specimen." She muttered as she started looking over his teeth.

Athena laughed and tried pushing her half sister away from her somewhat friend. "Eden, this is Damon Salvatore. My friend." She told her and the girl 'oohed'.

She sat down next to the brunette and Athena smiled. "So, you need a place to stay?" She asked and Athena nods her head.

"Yes, and your place is the farthest away from my mom and uncles and your dad." She told her as the blonde nods her head.

"Alright, you're in." She told her as Damon raised an eyebrow.

"What, no fight about it?" He asked and the girl shakes her head.

"I would never do that to Family. Especially when they are in need." She told him and his eyes widened slightly and Athena was the only one who saw.


< Edited >

Little Witch • D. Salvatore {Book 2}Where stories live. Discover now