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Richie's POV
As I reached Eddie's house I felt a weird vibe. I shouldn't be here I thought. I made my way to eds window and threw a rock against it. Then another. God dammit. I threw four more all direct hits on the window. I climbed up the pipe on the side of the house and up to his window, knocking on it. I looked into the window and to my horror, Eddie was laying in the corner of the room with slits down his arms. I frantically opened the window and climbed in.
"Eddie! Eds! Eddie spaghetti!" I shouted running up to him and holding the sides of his face.
"Please wake up eds! Please!" I shouted tears running down my face. His eyes fluttered open.
"Trash mouth?" he asked softly.
"Yes it's me, please Eds why did you do this" I asked.
"You dick" he responded. I sighed, in relief.
I took off my hoodie and wrapped it around the wounds.
"Stay alive eds!" I screamed, almost unable to see due to the tears. Then he blacked out. I picked him up.
"Eds you'll be okay I promise." I didn't know what to do so I carried him out the window and set him down in the grass. It was really cold but I didn't care. I kept my jacket holding in the blood on his arms. I ran towards his garage and grabbed his bike. I jumped on it and set him on the bike in front of me. It was really dark and I almost couldn't see anything.
"Eds, I promise you'll be okay, just hang in there" I sobbed, his almost lifeless body laying on my legs. Then he said one word. That made my heart skip a beat.
"Hurray" he said.
He wanted to live. I smiled.
"Of course" I sobbed.

Dead to me. reddieUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum