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AN: Sorry guys, I know it's after Christmas, but I spent all of Christmas with my family so i didnt get a chance to work on it. Plus I'm a huuuggeeee procrastinator. (Haha and ignore the date on the picture above). ANYWAYSSSSSSS ENJOY THE STORY!!!

*Eren's POV*

"Hanji!" Eren yells at the scientist, eyes widened in disbelief. "There's NO way I'm even touching that, now get it out of my sights!!"

Hanji is holding an EXTREMELY revealing Christmas outfit that's basically made of strings.

It's probably the same one from the date night... now just covered with red ribbon(probably to make it more Christmas-ey)...

"Come on, Eren! Levi will love it!!" Hanji pleads, pushing the outfit closer to Eren's face.

Eren wrinkles his nose and moves away. "Actually, mind you, I already got him a present, so THANK YOU VERY MUCH, BUT I CAN HANDLE THIS!!"

As soon as Eren finishes his sentence, the door swings open and Levi peers through.

"Ummm, is everything okay in here?" he questions, forehead wrinkled in confusion.

Faster than lightning, Eren grabs the outfit and throws it behind the couch. "Hehe... yeah, we're all good in here. We were just talking about the Christmas party. Right, Hanji???"

"Well, actually we-" Before Hanji can finish, Eren covers his hand over her mouth to muffle her words.

"Ha...ha... yeah, that's great. Well, I think we should go get ready now, so if you'll excuse us, we'll take our leave. Byeee!!" Eren rushes out of the room, hand still covering Hanji's mouth. As he exits, he catches a glimpse of Levi. He has one eyebrow raised in suspicion and... is that.. a smirk?!?!

This guy!! Oh lord... just dont look behind the couch!!

*Levi's POV(at the party)*

There's too much people here.

Levi sighs, uncomfortable being around people, even though there's only a small group. He fidgets in his seat, taking another sip of his tea.

"Let's exchange presents now!" Armin chirps up in his usual bright voice. He goes to the corner of the room where all the presents are wrapped in brown paper. (That's the best they can do under the circumstances.)

Armin takes the presents and hands them out to everyone, including Levi. Levi turns the present around in his hands. On the side written in black ink is writing in adorable handwriting that reads:

To Levi
From Eren

"Alright, open up!" he exclaims.

There is an instant sound of ripping paper and gasps of suprise. Pieces of paper are thrown all around, trashing the floor.

Crazy brats...

Levi rolls his eyes and tears the paper from his present in an orderly fashion. He looks into the box and sees a little dust pan and a small box of Earl Grey Tea. His favorite.

Levi looks up and spots Eren across the room. He seems to be occupied opening the presents he got. Levi smiles slightly to himself when he realizes there is one more item at the bottom of the box.

Levi lifts the box of tea and finds a note.

"Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday!! I hope you liked your present! But I have one last thing. Don't kill me for it, haha!! XOXO"

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