Vertically Challenged

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A/N: Hello loves! Im so so so sorry that its been forever, i just havent really had the time to sit down and write! But now we have a new game plan: the new updates will be a little shorter (cuz thats how i originally wanted it to be) and i will update more frequently than i have been. Sorry for that. But anyways, thank you for waiting and enjoy the little cute moments!!!

*Eren's POV*

It's been nearly a year since Levi and Eren have been "officially" together so the two made a big decision to move in together.

Well, I wouldn't call it moving in, but more like sharing the same cabin.

As Eren waits in the cabin for Levi to return from his office, he paces around with a nervous expression. He can't rid the nerves from his stomach. Today is the first offical day they would be "living" together.

How would everything work out? How different are our schedules? Does Levi have to wake up earlier than I do?

Which begs the question...


"Ahhhh!!!" Eren squeals, covering his blushing face.

It's too embarassing to think about!

Which side will I sleep on?? Will he even let me sleep in the bed or will I sleep on the floor?? I wonder if Levi snores in his sleep??

Eren's imagination is running wild. He tries to pictures Levi's sleeping face: Calm and relaxed, his breathing slow. He imagines Levi waking up and rubbing his eyes saying, "Good morning" in a croaky, low voice.


Eren shakes his head from the thoughts and decides to fix himself some tea. He goes to the kitchen and makes a cup of Earl Grey, since that's all Levi has.

With the warm drink in his hands, Eren sits at the table and anxiously waits for Levi step in.

Ten minutes pass. Then twenty. Thirty. An hour.

Eren sighs in exasperation.

Levi must be swamped with work today.

He looks down at his cup. He barely drank half. Now it's gone cold.

With a sigh, Eren dumps the remains in the sink and washes the cup.

Before he joined the corps, Eren was a fairly messy person, but now it's become a natural habit to clean up after himself due to Levi's constant bickering.

Eren chuckles, thinking about Levi yelling at him to clean up.

So cute.

At first, Levi was terrifying. There's no denying it. Even a mere look from him would cause Eren to stiffen up. But now, it's not too bad. He's only scary half of the time... hehe. He's actually really cute now...

Once he finishes washing the cup and all the other dishes in the sink as well, he puts everything back into the cabinets and sits at the table.

Come back soon, Levi.

*Levi's POV*

Finally, after a long and rather frustrating day, Levi gets to return to his cabin. He's exhausted and he needs nothing more than to go back and sleep.

Levi saunters back to his cabin and stops in front of the entrance. He reaches out to the door and rests his hand on the handle, heart beating fast. He knows very well what waits for him behind this door. He pictures Eren waiting for him. Perhaps he's sitting on the couch or on the table or maybe even asleep already. A sudden feeling of anxiousness sets in, but he is quick to regain composure. He takes a deep and calming breath, allowing his mind to clear. Then, he opens the door.

*Eren's POV*


Eren jolts his head up at the sound.

Shoot! I must've fallen asleep.

He sees a short, blurry figure at the door. Eren rubs his eyes and blinks a few times and the image comes into focus. It's....


Eren quickly stands up, hitting his head on the overhanging lamp.

"Ah!" Eren grabs his head.

"Tch. Why are you acting so suprised?" Levi crosses his arms, walking towards Eren. "I'm going to make some tea. Sit here and wait for me."

"Ah... okay." Eren awkwardly sits back down.

As Levi passes, he pats Eren on the head.

Uwaaahhhhhhh, so embarassing! Why am I acting like this?

Eren rests his head in his hands and tries to calm himself down.

"Oi..." He suddenly hears Levi say. Eren doesn't need to turn around to know what kind of scary expression Levi is making.

"Where is my cup?"

Eren slowly turns around in his chair to see Levi gesturing at an open cabinet. 

"Ah, I made myself a cup of tea while you were gone. I washed it and put it back in the top shelf. Is there a prob..."


Eren analyzes the situation. He looks at the length of Levi's arm. He looks at the height of the shelf. He compares the data and comes to a reasonable conclusion that the length of Levi's arm is not equivalent to the length required to meet the height of the shelf.

In other words... Levi is too short.

Eren has to cover his mouth to keep from bursting out laughing.

"Tch. What?" Levi glares at Eren.

"Hehe, nothing! Nothing at all!" Eren says innocently. He smiles. "You can go ahead and just make your tea~"

Eren watches Levi's struggling expression.

"What's the matter? Is something wrong? Just get the cup already~" Eren teases.

"Tch." Levi rolls his eyes.

"Oh, I know!" Eren exclaims, standing up. "Do you want me to get it for you?"

"Brat! Of course not!!" A slight pink color appears in Levi's face. "I'm just upset that you used MY cup to make tea!"

"Hmmmm~ Are you now?" Eren says with a chuckle. "It's okay I'll get the cup for y-"

Eren is immediatly met with a hard kick to the stomach. He hunches over and watches in awe, and pain, as Levi uses the momentum from the kick to launch himself into the air and grab the cup from the shelf, landing gracefully on the ground without a scratch.

Eren, however, falls backwards and lands rather un-gracefully on his butt with a thud.

Levi smirks at him with a triumphant "Hmph."

Fine, Levi. You win this time.

Eren slowly gets up, clutching his stomach.

"This cup is filthy." Levi scowls at the cup.

"I washed it, though..." Eren says, scratching his head.

"Wash it again." Levi sasses, leaving the cup in the sink. "I'm just going to go to sleep."

Eren smirks at Levi. "Alright, then I'll just join you when I'm do-"

"Absolutely not!"

YAYYYY! Sorry for the wait, lovelies! I hope it wasn't a let down! But anywhooo, ill see you again soon! Chuuuu~ 😉

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