Valentine's Day!! <3

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*Levi's POV*

"Oooohhhh!!! Love is in the airrrrr~"

"Stop with your blabbering, Hanji." Levi rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he leans back in his seat.

"Oh, come on Grumpy Pants! It's Valentine's dayyyy!!!" Hanji whines like a bratty toddler. "It's a day to laugh, to love, and ya know... maybe a day foR YOU AND EREN TO FRIKIN KISS ALREAD-"

Levi swiftly throws a nearby book at her head.

"HEYYYY!!!" Four-eyes yells, rubbing her head. She clumsily picks the book off the floor and weakly throws it back.

Levi catches the pathetic attempt with one hand all the while holding his tea cup with the other.

Oh come on. How hard is it to throw a book? I expected more- Ah... well actually I didn't.

"Ohhhh, smooth reflexes!!" The idiot cooes. "At least you know your ready for when LOVE STRIKESSSSS!!!" With that, she skips out of the room with a mischievous giggle.

Seriously? Is it possible to be any more cheesey than this??

Levi sighs once the echo of her footsteps fade away. "You've got it wrong, Four-eyes." he mumbles quietly to himself. "Love has already-"

Before the last word leaves his mouth, Eren bursts through the door.

"Levi!!" he exclaims, rushing over to him like a little puppy. "Happy Valentine's Day!"

Eren wraps his arms around Levi.

"Woah, woah, Eren. You startled me." Levi says, returning the embrace after a few seconds.

Eren responds with an adorable chuckle. Levi can't contain his smile and lets a small one crack.

(But out of Eren's sight, obviously. Levi can't be exposed.)

When they they let go of eachother, Eren gives him a warm smile.

"So I scared you, huh?" Eren's smile turns into a smirk.

Levi's cheeks go pink. "You idiot! As if!"

Levi turns his head away with a stubborn 'Tch.'

Eren laughs. "Hey, I have something for you." he says with a sly grin.

Levi looks at Eren out of the corner of his eye, too stubborn to fully face him.

Eren reaches into his back pocket and pulls out a small box with red ribbon. He hands it to Levi, cheeks turning slightly red.

Levi opens the box to reveal a couple of small chocolates.

My God, how perfect can someone be???

Levi feels himself blush. Seeing even that is enough to make Eren smile with pride at his creations.

"Well, go and try it!" he urges.

Levi picks up one of the sweets and plops it in his mouth.

This is really good.

Levi clears his throat. "It's... not that bad..."

Eren chuckles, which causes a deeper blush to form on Levi's face.

"Tch." Levi says and puts the box on his desk, resuming his work.

"Heyyyyyyy, what about me~??" Eren asks.

"What about you?" Levi raises an eyebrow.

"Don't you have something for me, too??" Eren gives him the best puppy dog eyes he can manage.

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