:16: Christmas at the Manor

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Christmas oneshot 2!!!!Enjoy

Y/N's P.O.V

You looked at the invitation in your hands and smiled. The invitation was for Dark's annual christmas party. This party was one of the thing that you looked forward to all year. Everybody would be attending, Wilford, Host, Google, Bim, Mark, Amy, Jack and Signe. Honestly the list went on and on and on.

The party was in a couple of days time. Fortunately you had already bought your outfit a couple of months in advanced.

You grabbed your phone and texted Dark a thank you. He replied a couple of minutes later.

Y/N: thank you <3

Dark: Don't mention it.

The next couple of the days seemed to just fly by so it wasn't long before you were in the taxi on the way to Dark's Manor. Once you arrived you paid the driver, said thank you, hopped out of the car and began walking up the steps to the Manor's front door.

As you reached the top step the front door open and Dark was there to greet you. He smiled when he saw you.

"Y/N, you're looking very lovely this evening." Dark said.

You returned his smile. "Why thank you. You look very dashing yourself."

He chuckled. "Anti would disagree with you."

"Yeah? Well, what does he know about suits anyway? The answer is nothing."

"That's quite true. Now, shall we proceed inside?"

"We shall."

As you entered the Manor you were nearly blinded by the brightness of the christmas lights and decorations that covered the place.

There were lights of nearly every colour wrapped around the bannisters of the grand staircase. The same was for the pillars and the balcony railing. Just off to the right of the staircase was a very large and very tall christmas tree decorated in red and gold decorations. Dark always did go above and beyond for these parties.

"If you're done looking at the decorations, the party is this way." Dark said, gesturing towards a doorway. You were about to follow him when you noticed the mistletoe attached to the top of the doorframe. You folded your arms and gave him a 'really?' look. "What?" he asked.

"I don't care about tradition, you try and get me to kiss you under the mistletoe and I will punch you."

Dark raised his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright. No need to get violent. Let's just continue on to the others."

The others were all gathered in one of the large dining rooms. When you and Dark entered you were of course met with a chorus of greetings and compliments on your dress. After you had said hello, thanked everyone and said how good everyone else looked you all sat down to eat.

As you all ate you all talked about what you had planned for Christmas. Were you going home for Christmas? If not, what else did you have planned? What was going on in your life? Did you have any plans for New Years, if you didn't then maybe you all could have a New Years party. You loved catching up with everyone. Especially after not seeing a few of them for quite a few months. It was nice.

After you had all finished eating, you moved into the nearby lounge where Dark broke out the whiskey and a couple of board games.

You were all having so much fun that the night just seemed to breeze by and slowly one by one everyone started to leave. By the end of the night it was only you and Dark sitting in the lounge, talking. You were finishing a glass of red, while he continued to sip his glass of whiskey.

You weren't talking about anything in particular, just whatever came to mind. As you talked your eye glanced up to the grandfather clock and you saw that it was nearly three in the morning.

"Oh, my. I didn't realise how late it was!" you said as you set your now empty wine glass onto the coffee table in front of you. "I should be get going."

"I can give you a lift home, if you want." Dark offered, setting his glass down onto the table as well.

"You wouldn't mind?"

"Of course not!"

The drive back to your home was quiet. Mainly because you had suddenly been hit with a wave of tiredness and couldn't think about anything to talk about. Dark didn't mind, he was just enjoying being in your company.

You were staring out the window, looking at all the decorated houses. It wasn't hard to tell who enjoyed Christmas a little too much.

"We're here." Dark announced as he pulled up to your house.

"Thank you." you replied, giving him a soft smile.

Dark returned it. "No problem Y/N."

"Goodnight Dark." you said before you got ready to exit the car.

"Y/N, wait."

"Why?" you asked as you looked back at him, confused. That's when he moved forward and gently pressed his lips against yours. The kiss only lasted a couple of seconds.

Afterwards you looked at him in complete and utter shock. You didn't know what to say. Okay, yeah you had dreamed about what it would be like to kiss him and that kiss was definitely better than any dream. And it would be a lie if you had said, deep down earlier that night you hadn't want him to kiss you under the mistletoe. What you had said had been a joke, but clearly he hadn't gotten realised.

It had been a minute or so since the kiss and you could now see an apology forming on his lips. So before he could you kissed him back. Rather than a peck, like he had done, you went for a proper kiss to which Dark didn't have any objection to.

When you broke apart Dark looked at you and smiled that smile. "Earlier you said you didn't really have any plans for Christmas so how about you spend it up at the Manor, with me?"

"I would like that a lot Dark...You know it's a long drive back to the Manor and it is nearly five in the morning. Why don't you stay and get some rest?"

"You don't mind?" You shook your head. "Alright then."


1000+words   written by elonBiskitQueen 


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