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H/P = home place aka where your family are 

F/S = favourite social media

Y/N's P.O.V

You slam your hand down on your alarm clock and stretch before getting up and wandering to the bathroom to get ready for today. You come out of the bathroom wearing a Star Wars Christmas shirt that had Darth Vader on it with the words Merry Sithmas at the top and some black jeans. You had decided against makeup for today because it was just going to be a day at home of baking and listening to Christmas songs.

You walk downstairs and into the living room to grab some Cd's for the stereo in the kitchen and you were shocked when you saw a particular Iplier ego on your sofa.

???'s P.O.V

'It is currently 6:30 am and Y/N should be down here and in the living room in approximately 10 seconds 5 if she walks fast.






"Google what the hell are you doing here?"

'Hmm so she decided to walk fast today.'

Y/N's P.O.V

He got up and faced you before replying "Hello Y/N i am here because William got fed up of me and kicked me out."

You sighed. "Why didn't you go to Dark's or Marks or Hosts or Yandere or any of the other Ipliers?"

"Because they are all busy after all it is two days til Christmas."

You crossed you arms. "And you didn't think I would be busy? or maybe not here, or maybe back with my family in H/P?"

"That did occur to me, so I went through you bank account and messages to your family, and saw that you are not able to fly home this year, and will be spending Christmas here in L.A. alone."

You exhaled a large breath and let your arms fall to your sides. "Thanks for reminding me Google, look you can stay here for as long as you need just try not to bother me to much."

He nodded in response. 

You walked over the the CD rack and grabbed Elvis's Blue Christmas album you then went into the kitchen and went over to the stereo and put the disc in then pressed play , causing the first Christmas song to start playing.


You sat down on the sofa after putting the Christmas cookies in the oven but not before you put more Christmas tunes on. You sat down listening to the tunes for ten minutes before deciding it was time to start cleaning up a bit around the house, you got up and started to pile up the boxes labelled 'X-mas stuff'. You needed to take them downstairs into the basement, but you wouldn't be able to listen to you tunes, so you turned of the stereo that was blasting the Christmas music and used your phone with headphones in instead.

 You closed the basement door behind you after had put the boxes away.

'Okay now time to clean up the kitchen.'

You made your way to the kitchen and filled the sink with hot water and washing up liquid and started washing up. You were halfway through the washing up and you were jamming out to All i want for Christmas is you when you felt a cold hand on your shoulder, you screamed and spun round to see google there.

You placed your hand over your chest and took an earbud out. "Google what the hell was that for?!"

"Sorry Y/N I tried calling you but your music was to loud for you to hear me."

"Oh okay, well what did you need?"

"I do not need anything, I simply made the observation that you have done a lot recently and wanted to know if you wanted me to finish the washing up for you, as a kind gesture."

"Um sure thank you Google."

You moved away from the sink allowing Google to take your place and continue the washing up, you decided to stay in the kitchen considering the cookie would be done soon, you sat at the counter on a stool and decided to check F/S.

While check F/S you started humming along to the festive carols in your ear.

"Hum one more note of that carol and I will stab you." Google blurted out.


"Just please stop."

"Um okay."




You placed the plate of cookies on the coffee table before sitting down next to Google

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You placed the plate of cookies on the coffee table before sitting down next to Google.

"Y/N could you turn this awful Christmas music off." Google asks in his monotone voice.

"My house my rules the Christmas music stays on.........Why do you hate Christmas anyway?"

"Because, it is a time of joy."

"What wrong with joy." You ask him now sitting cross legged facing him.

Google turns to face you. "Joy is an emotion, I do not feel emotion, emotion is pointless."

You chuckled and Google gave you a confused look. "If you think emotion is pointless then you are a idiotic fool Googleplier!"

"I am the smartest creation in the world therefor it is not possible for me to be idiotic, but if you feel i am missing an important piece of information then please enlighten me so i may stay away from being called idiotic again."

"Okay, emotions are there so you can feel alive, so you can gain experiences so you can know what to stay away from and what to go toward. Emotion is one of the most important things in life."

He looks down and then looks at you. "If emotion is one of the most important things then why do I repel it so much?"

"Wow, Google asking me a question, that's a first." You mumbled. "Well Google you creators just wanted you there to help them and help other people, they didn't want you to have experiences they just wanted to use you."

"Ah I see."

The music had stopped it self by now so it was just silence between you two, but Google decided to speak up. "Y/N?"

You looked at him. "Yeah?"

"Can you teach me emotion?" Google asked.

You smiled. "Of course."



That was worth all the time it took.


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