Blonds and Brunettes

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Emilia sighed as she watched the channel. That blond bitch was making Ryan feel so bad and not only that, he was on TV now.

"New mafia, my ass." Ryan said on the footage.

"God. I want her head on a golden platter." Emilia muttered as she glared hard at the blond who was on the television. She really needed to talk to Ryan...

"Ryan." Emilia caught his attention quickly. He stopped, anger was written across his once-calm features. His lips were pressed into a firm, angry line. His eyes were unsettled, glancing around, as if trying to find a way to let the anger out. His nose was slightly scrunched up. His facial expression changed as she froze, spotting the unusual look of rage/anger on his face.

"Hey." He said.

"Um hey. I need to uh talk to you." She said.

"Yeah? What is it?" He asked.

"Its about her." She replied, jealousy and slight annoyance dripping through her neutral tone. Ryan knew the instant she began her sentence what she was going to say. The blond journalist had been getting to him, and apparently, it had been getting to Emilia too.

"What about her?" Ryan asked, trying to get to the bottom of the problem as quick as possible.

"She's a-never-mind." Emilia cut herself off from saying that swear word she had wanted to, remembering she didn't want Ryan to think she was jealous...

"Never-mind." Emilia repeated, exiting the Crime Lab without another word, leaving Ryan standing there dumbfounded at what had just happened...

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