pt 4. the skelebros

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( a/n the drawing above belongs to Red-Matter (MaXx) )

Y/n pov
I stopped trudging through the snow, feeling like somebody is watching me. I instantly forgot that as I was admiring the view of snow constantly falling, layering on top of the trees. Then I wondered how can there be SNOW and TREES! UNDERGROUND!?! So much to learn, discover and examine!

I began trudging again, still taking in the surroundings. I wasn't that far from the Ruins yet.

As I was nearing a tree branch I thought "it looks too big to break, without the use of strong magic." A shiver ran down my spine, not only from the cold, it felt as if someone was watching me. I jumped over the branch and kept walking when suddenly. *snap!* I quickly turned around, and saw that the branch was in half! I am not alone! I thought.

I walked back to the branch, to see if I could get some information about this persons magic. When I was near I could immediately see that it was cut in half, PRECISELY!! this person could be a possible threat, then I heard soft crunching of snow behind me.

I quickly turned around, some snow flew directly into my face which hurt. "well hello there my stalker." Trying not to laugh, keyword: tried. A soft chuckle escaped my mouth.

I tried to look at their face, but a royal blue hoodie with fluff at the hood. The hood laid a shadow over their face, but I could still see white, glowing pinpricks where his eye sockets would be. Their hands are in the pockets, under his hoodie a white sweater could be seen. They had black baseball shorts with a white stripe on each side. Skeletal legs? And pink, fluffy looking slippers....

I could see the pinpricks towards my direction, indicating they were staring at me. So a few moments of awkward silence later. "Alright so. Uh.... hi, nice to meet you.". I extended my hand. Hoping they wouldn't notice the Whoopee cushion.

And to my surprise they didn't! He took out a skeletal hand? *insert fart noise* "Hehe the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick it is always funny. Could you take of your hood please? Then I could see your face, Sans"

He took of the hood, letting me take a better look at him. I noticed a permanent looking grin on him, it looks fake. Under his eye sockets were HUGE bags!

"Heh nice one y/n, WAIT HOW DO YOU *insert startled skeleton noises*" "I could ask the same" "I recognized your voice, and you?" Sans asked. His pinpricks disappeared leaving only two black holes. Without his fluffy hood he looked about 5'7.

Oh yeah did I forgot to mention I am 5'9. Oh I am so sorry dear stalkers. Well lets get back to the story I call my life.

"Hey you okay kid?" I instantly perked up realizing I just stood there. "yeah I was just spacing out, alright explaining time."

"When you went to shake my hand I saw a bone structured hand, oh and." I gestured to his legs. "So you either had to be you or a monster pranking me. But seeing as you could actually shake my hand and set of the whoopee cushion. You had to be a real magical skeleton, and the only magical skeleton I know is you."

The wind blew my lab coat and snow came through my coat, I shivered from the cold. ( I don't know anything about writing a book XD )
I hugged myself tight. I felt some more weight on my shoulders, I looked at my shoulders to see Sans' vest.

I said "Don't you need it? You may catch a cold. Or does the cold go right through you." I said with a small smile on my face. "Heh ice one kiddo, and yes it does go right through me but after a while I could get sick." I started laughing lightly.

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Where stories live. Discover now