Pt 11. Translation?

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( A/n artwork above is created by 22_40_21_01, I found it on Pinterest if you're interested in seeing the full picture )

We were on our way back to Snowdin and were walking through Waterfalls.
On our way back I saw a blue and red figure speeding towards us. I had a second to identify the figure until Jones, Anica and me were tackeled to the floor.

"HEY NERDS! You left before you even had a taste of Paps and my spaghetti, without telling us where you guys were going.. That wasn't cool but I found you guys." she roared with a smirk, before helping us up again.
Not without giving Jones a good noogie, making Anica and I chuckle.

"Ugh Undyne, please don't." Jones groaned out.

"Undyne if you promise the spaghetti is edible, we will try it when we arrive at the skelebro's house. We really need to get going were busy with a project." Anica spoke up.

Undyne immediatly flashed us a grin. She walked a bit closer to Anica and me, and suddenly picked both of us up and carried her under her arms. Not even a moment went to waste and she started running.

I tried to look behind me and saw Jones trying to keep up but half a mile away from us. I looked at the surroundings and saw the dark blue turn lighter and finally to white. Just a few paces and we were put down in front of the door.

Anica and I wobbled a bit feeling dizzy from going that fast. Undyne just opened the door and pushed us lightly inside, making us trip and land face flat onto the floor.
Both Anica and I groaned out in pain.
I saw from the corner of my eye that Anica just stuck up her thumb and could faintly hear her mumble a "that actually hurt a bit..."

I stiffeld a laugh and slowly stood up rubbing my cheeks a bit. Looking to my side I saw Anica still on the floor, not even having moved an inch. I suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder, I jumped forwards a bit turned around and got ready to fight.

Once I fully comprehened who was there, I could see Jones slumped over and trying to catch his breath. It took him a moment but when he caught his breath, he saw Anica still lying on the ground.

He pointed a finger at her questionably, but just shrugged and grabbed her by the armpits and pulled her up in one go. He let her go once she stood oh her feet.

"Uhh why were we here again?" I asked Anica, she just shrugged. Instead Jones answered.

"To ask for a translator" "Sans we need your help. " He stated firmly yet requested? Sans looked pretty shocked. After a second he just stood up walked right up to us.

"lemme guess, Wingdings." he sighed out. Jones nodded briefly and Sans just mentioned us to follow him. He walked outside? We of course followed him but at a distance. When he walked around the corner.

"HEY WHAT ABOUT THE SPAGHETTI?!" Undyne roared. We just simply continued following Sans, but just with a quicker pace.

"where are we going Skeleton." Anica demanded to know. subtle as always.. He turned around towards and and suddenly just pushed the wall. Where there turned out to be a door..

how didn't we notice this before..

It creaked op and damn did that hurt my ears. I looked over to Jones and Anica and they had their ears still covered. I turned back to Sans, and it didn't seem to bother Sans as much as it did to us.

Sans just looked at us confused, with his everlasting smile a bit more true. He motioned us again to follow him. I turned to my friends, and I didn't know how much we actually trusted him.

I looked back inside and Sans was nowhere to be seen. "Uhm.. Anica honors to you, you may go first."
I offered with a nerveus smile.

She looked at me with her classic 'really' face. She then looked inside, and for a brief moment I thought I saw fear flash in her eyes. "No thank you. You may go first oh brave leader" she said with a taunting smile.

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Where stories live. Discover now