pt 7. a new friend

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Y/n's pov

( a/n art above is from Panther-fam )

After a bit of thinking I thought; the girls are watching Frisk so it must be okay. How is Toriel even doing? When I left she looked quite sad. I saw Sans still asleep on the other end of the couch. I tried to silently free myself from the blankets cocoon. Keyword tried.

In my unsuccessful attempt to free myself I fell of the couch, and woke Sans up. "Huh what? Oh hey Y/n what are you? Oh right I'll help." I didn't even do or say anything and he understood?!
He helped me and within a minute I was free! "Hey Y/n, do you wanna go to Grillby's with me."

"Of course" I responded with a smile. "could you maybe grab my arm and not let go?" I did as he said with a questioning look in my face. And within a split second we stood before a nice looking bar. Oh right he can teleport, wait normally people have nausea! I acted as if I have nausea, and stumbled around actually losing my balance "WOAH!-" I almost fell until Sans caught me!

"T-thank you Sans, you can let go of me now." "O-oh right!" He muttered while a faint blue was visible on his skull. I disregarded it and was about to open the door until I felt that something is up.

"We have to go to Tori, can you teleport us?" I asked, I almost wanted to teleport there myself.
"Uh ok?" I grabbed his shoulder and closed my eyes, feeling the ground disappear and reappear beneath me.

For the second time today I was here. This time ready for Grillby's and ready to open the door.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing, Anica and Jones!
"G-guys I am so glad to see you! Wait Anica if you're here then does that mean?!" Anica nodded. "I am so sorry!-" She whisper yelled. "Can someone explain to me, what's going on?!" Sans interrupted.

"Well these two are Jones and Anica." I pointed at them. Jones stood proudly while his bandana blew in the wind, even though there wasn't a slightest breeze. Anica just nodded her head. "They both like each other but are afraid to tell" I whispered in Sans' ear? "Anica was supposed to watch over my little sister Frisk, but failed horribly. So now I need to go back to the surface to fight my sister." At the mention of Frisk's name Sans' pinpricks disappeared, leaving me and the others confused.

Why when I said Frisk? Does he know one? Or does he know her? He can't, can he? Does he know about timelines to?!
"Hey Mr. Skeleton why are your eyes gone?" Jones asked Sans taking me out of my thoughts.

"U-uh they a-are, I didn't know? And my name is Sans" Why did that sound more like a question than a statement? what is he hiding? Does he really know?! "Nice to meet you Sans, well you already know us."
Jones said snapping me out of my thoughts again.

Anica was curiously looking around even at Sans. She looked at me curiously hoping that I knew the answer. I shrugged signaling I didn't know. "Well if you don't know, Sans care to explain?" "Explain wh-" Sans wanted to ask before rudely getting interrupted. "How you can stand and not become a pile of bones, how there is snow and trees UNDERGROUND!" Anica said, not even caring if she was rude.

"Oh that, simple ready for it?" He asked. Anica hastily nodded her head and I listened wanting to know the answer. "Maagiicc" he said. I have never seen Anica this close to snapping, I just face palmed saying "I should have expected that." Jones snickered finding the situation very funny.

"Well now we all are here and still in the cold, why don't we go to Sans' place and not freeze to death." I suggested. Anica and Jones nodded only now noticing the cold.
"Everybody hold each others hand, we are gonna take a shortcut" Sans said.

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Where stories live. Discover now