pt 5. captured?

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( A/n artwork above is made by EonFoxQueen97 )

You were still dangling in Papyrus' arms, waiting for Sans' response.
While the snow cleared a little.

Y/n pov
"Well he uh... He wants to ...". He mumbled the rest so I couldn't hear.
"Sans, could you say that again please?"
"He is gonna bring you to Undyne..."
"Who is this Undyne you are speaking of?

"heh, knew you could do it bro."

"I HAVE TO BRING YOU TO UNDYNE! BUT WHY ARE YOU WEARING MY BROTHERS JACKET? he never takes it of." He said after throwing me over his shoulder, letting me face backwards. I landed with a little "oof".

"I gave it to 'er because she was cold."

He started running the way he came from. I could just see Sans' face, he looked worried? Papyrus boosted in speed. Many things whizzed past because of how quick he was going. I would be impressed if I weren't brought to a shed/jail.

The snow wasn't falling as hard anymore. After a few minutes of running he started to slow down. I pushed myself up a little, and turned my head as far as I could.

I could see lights shining from houses and a lot of monsters. And then he stopped. Why would he stop?
"HUMAN WELCOME TO SNOWDIN TOWN!!!". "Could you put me down now please? It is very cold".

"OH. I WILL BRING YOU TO MY HOUSE SO YOU CAN WARM UP! NYEH HEH HEH". He started walking again. I turned my head again. I could see a few shops an inn and a bar called Grillby's? After a few moments we stopped, in front of his house I think, because I AM STILL THROWN OVER HIS SHOULDER!

I could hear him open the door and a warm breeze followed it immediately.
A few moments later I was gently set down on the couch.

With Sans beside me!

"Heya kiddo, what took you so long to get here?" "WHA- ?! wait...."
I let the new thought sink in before saying "you... can teleport?"
I wasn't that shocked he definitely has strong magic. And I could teleport too.

"Yup" "That's great Sans! *mumbles* huh didn't think I would meet someone els who can..."

"Can what?" "AH! Uh... someone who uh... can give info about magic? For my experiment?"
"But you said 'someone else' so who is the other person?"
"Toriel! The woman behind the door?"

I looked the other way, because I was feeling someone wrap blankets around me. I am now stuck in a cocoon made of blankets, but finally found Papyrus with 6 more blankets in his hand!

"HUMAN! I HAVE BLANKETS FOR YOU!". "Oh, thank you! but you didn't have to. Oh yeah your jacket Sans!, I would want to give it back but". I wriggled myself a bit signifying I am stuck, and gave him a apologetic smile. After turned back to his brother.

" I don't think I have properly introduced myself, hello my name is Y/n. Nice to make your acquaintance." I said managing to extend my hand towards him.

"I AM THE GREAT PAPYRUS! NICE TO MEET YOU TOO." He introduced while roughly shaking my hand.

"Okay bro"

Papyrus ran out of the house and a few minutes after he left, Sans fell asleep...
Leaving me alone with my thoughts.

How is Frisk doing? Better question are Danique and Anica still alive?
I hope they are. And I don't want to battle Frisk again...

Anica's pov

I just walked out of the bathroom, as I passed Danique with a sandwich in her hand.

"WHA- What are you doing here?!" "Eating my sandwich and you?" She said almost calmly holding up her food. "I figured that. But if we are both here then who is with Fri-".

I couldn't finish my sentence as a loud 'bang' sounded through the halls. "Oh. Stars." We said at the same time. We ran towards the room we kept Frisk, and to our shock our magic cage was completely gone!

"BUT HOW OUR MAGIC TOGETHER IS-" "apparently not strong enough" Danique interrupted me.
"We have to find them before they get to the Underground!" I yelled.

We ran towards the main room. Danique panted out of breath
"g-guys we need h-help...."

Jones was the first to react "what is going on?"
Still trying to regain her breath
"F-Frisk escaped"
Only Mila didn't seem to botherd, but the rest had a look of shock and were looking... terrified?
Alexander quickly stood up and yelled "HOW DID THAT HAPPEN?! YOU GIRLS COMBINED YOUR MAGIC TO TRAP THEM!!!"

To everyone's surprise Mila answered him "Frisk clearly has stronger magic than us combined, we must warn everyone including Y/n." you could hear a loud gasp from almost everyone
"If they even are still alive, because she is Frisk's sister their magic is stronger. That is our only hope, we should get going" they said it so calmly you would think that nothing is wrong! How do they do that?!

This time Edward spoke up "we have to separate we don't know where Frisk is! It's best if we go in pairs." he gave a wink my way, WAIT DOES HE KNOW?!
The teams:
Team 1: Jones and me
Team 2: Mila and Edward
Team 3: Danique and Alexander
After we came to that conclusion I blushed a faint red, how did Edward know?!

Jones and I would go and look for Y/n. Team 2 would go to the mayor and tell them to evacuate everyone. And team 3 would search for Frisk. After team 2 is done they would help team 3.

As we ran out the lab, I thought.
We won't let you down Y/n! I promise you!
Just please be alive.

1012 words

( A/n hey guys I am back again! hope you enjoyed this little turn out of events. I hope it was a shock what happened. Well I have to go now see ya guys later )

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