Pt 10. Project Barrier

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(A/n hey guys sorry that I've been gone for so long. Drawing up above is made by Christon-Clivef)

Y/n pov

After a 17 minute explanation and a lot of apologies (why Alphys stalked you with her cameras.) Undyne and Papyrus started cooking spaghetti in the kitchen about 10 minutes ago. Jones had let Anica go, and Sans was fast asleep. damn it Sans! Though you are cute right now... Ugh what am I saying he is always cute. I could feel my face heating up at my thoughts, but just shrugged it of hoping nobody saw.

But It's very surprising Anica hasn't been rude again. Anica almost on cue impatiently interrupted Alphys.

"OK! We all get that it was just for the monsters safety, and that you didn't mean to be creepy. We all are okay with it at least I am. Just in what areas could you spy us?" She stated but her voice turned to one of curiosity at the end.

Alphys' face flushed a bright red at the question. probably thinking Anica blamed her for THAT kind of spying.
"O-oh N-n-no I would-d never do-o t-that!!" Alphys frantically yelled. "I-I only s-spied in NORMAL p-p-public areas." Alphys added, and emphasized normal.

"How many are there? Because if there are many where do you keep them?" Anica questioned, she stood up and stepped towards Alphys.  Alphys flinched backwards feeling threatened by Anica

"Ah I am sorry she can be a bit.. well rude and insensitive too, well people..." Jones instinctively said. He grabbed Anica' shoulders and pulling her backwards, into him making both their faces flush with color. Both of their lips curved up but they immediately looked yo different sides.

Alphys had a look on her face that could only be described as; the look of a fangirl seeing a new OTP. I quickly shook my head while mouthing: 'don't do it'. She took notice to this and I have never seen someone go from happy to disappointed.

"I-it's okay, and I keep t-them in my l-lab." I instantly perked up hearing that. "Could you please take us there?" I said referencing to Anica, Jones, Sans and myself "E-eh of c-course! w-when do y-you want to go-o?

"Now would be nice" I said standing up. I turned to motion Jones and Anica to follow, but they were all ready up and heading towards the door. I just headed up to Sans and lightly shook him.

He didn't wake up instead I just got a mumbled 'just 5 more minutes' , making me sigh. "We can go" I stated. Alphys still looked slightly nervous, but not about us anymore. We went outside and the gust made us all shiver. We were walking for a long while and through a lot of different terrains.

One was more beautiful and had a lot of waterfalls, it reminded me of that spot Sans teleported me to while hiding from Anica. It was pleasantly cool here making me smile lightly.

The other wich we are still walking through has fairly wide platforms made of stone, but what scares me is what is beside the platforms. It was lava, so much lava. Making the scene even hotter than it already was.

After a few minutes of walking here we got nearer to a large building. Alphys started to speak up.
"I-I haven't cleaned u-up so p-please don't j-judge." oh so that's what she's nervous about.

"It can't be as bad as my room, so you are fine." Anica joked, making Jones and I chuckle. The doors to what I presumed was her lab opened, giving me a slight shiver up my spine. Alphys suddenly started walking inside and we hurriedly followed. It doesn't look as bad as she said it was..

She walked past a large monitor and up to a side door, and leads us to a large table next to it. The floor was very clean but the tables where a mess, I looked at the stack and I thought I saw my favorite anime strip there.

"T-This is where I n-normaly e-eat but if y-you want you c-can work h-here."
She said shyly, pointing at a table with empty packages of ramen noodles. I just gave a slight nod looking at Jones and Anica.

"Y/n what are we doing here right now? we have no way to get our previous project back, and we still need to find out how to get to the surface." Anica stated a bit confused.

"The surface?" Alphys chimed in, without stuttering leaving me impressed. "We may have a few studies to help you, but you should know we are trapped by a magical barrier. There are 7 human souls needed to break the barrier. The previous royal scientist has a study about human souls but I can't seem to translate it." Alphys seemed totally in her element, talking about this.

She opened a drawer and handed me a rather heavy file. I skimmed a bit through it and immediately regocnised the font. "Wingdings" I absentmindedly said. I knew I couldn't translate it but I did recognise it.

Jones finally decided to join the conversation and asked me. "what do you mean?".  I looked up surprised not knowing I said it outloud.

"oh I said it outloud? Sorry, um this file seems to be written in wingdings."
I shyly responded, if my hands were free I would have rubbed my neck.

"the, font?" Jones looked at me like he saw water burning. heh and he didn't think it was possible. I responed to his question with a nod. Jones looked at an even more confused Anica. I directed my focus to Alphys.

"You don't happen to know someone who can read Wingdings do you?" I asked jokingly. "A-as a matter of fact I-i do, and y-you do too" she said matter of factly. She started stuttering again.. So science is her comfort zone there needs to be more..

"Sorry I don't remember meeting ms or mr. Cryptic, but a name would be nice." I sassily responded. She took a large breath as if too ready herself for what she would be saying next.


Wait Sans as in the cute, pun loving skeleton. That Sans!?

Before I could even get a word out, I could hear a choked laugh from beside me. "heh great joke Alphys now who is the real person." Anica choked out. I felt slightly offended. Alphys seemed to get the confusion.

"H-he was a scientist a long time ago but than one he suddenly s-stopped. He helped m-me translate a lot of the files, but always took the original ones h-home." Alphys explained, seeming to feel a bit more comfortable to talk about this.

"Huh didn't expect that from Sans but I guess we'll ask him for help." Anica said, rubbing the back of her neck.

"I guess we should go back to Snowdin." Jones practically asked.
We walked towards the way we came in "Thank you for having us and for the information Alphys" I said waving to Alphys. I could hear the door opening behind me and immediatly felt a warm breeze.

I turned around and saw Jones and Anica a few steps ahead of me already.

1246 words

( A/n hey guys I am back again. I am sorry for not updating the last few months. I kinda got distracted and had lost interest in the game.. But thanks too Deltarune I have new found love for Undertale, eventhough i haven't finished the game yet I am glad it's here. I will try to update more often.)

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα