pt 9. stalker?

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( A/n art above is by Shellsweet)

Y/n pov

I was walking though the snow still dragging Anica with me. I was almost in front of the skelebro's house, until Anica felt way to light for a human. I quickly turned around to see that I was just holding a shirt. I looked around and saw Anica in front of Grillby's, but because I have her shirts she is standing there in her sports brah. Oh god.. NOT AGAIN! I thought. I quickly ran towards her to stop her from entering the bar again. She was way to quick even for a drunk person.

She entered the bar, and almost immediately she sat upon the bar chair. How is she so fast?! Grillby looked kinda confused until he saw me at the door opening. He pointed towards Anica, and waited for a explanation. "She escaped by slipping out of her shirt, hence why she is in her sports bra. Don't worry this isn't the first time this happened. I just need to call Jones for help." I said and tried grabbing my phone from my pocket until I remembered. It was in my pocket when I fell...

"Hey Grillby do you maybe have a phone? Mine broke from when I fell." Grillby gave me a short nod before handing me a phone. I quickly dialed in Jones' number. Luckily I remembered his phone number.

"Who is this?" Jones immediatly asked. Hmmm this can be fun. I lowered my voice to try and sound manly and spoke. "Is that a way to greet an old friend?" I asked while trying not to laugh. "I'll ask just one more time, who. are. you. I will hang up if you don't answer." he responded. "Pfff haha! Jones calm down" "Y/N!? Why did you?! Is she drunk again..."

I looked back to where Anica was to see her gone! I quickly stood up searched for her. "Yup... At least there isn't too anything dangerous here. Come over please she-" I finally responded to Jones.

"WhO aRe YoU *hic* tAlKinG tO?" "HOLY!" I got jumpscared and almost let Grillby's phone fall. I quickly turned around to see Anica, with a glass bottle in her hand. 

I grabbed the bottle before she could would get angry, and smash it on someone's head... Again . "HeY! *hic*" she let out an huff and wobbly walked away. I kept an eye on Anica, to make sure she didn't do anything weird or dangerous. After a minute of waiting Jones arrived, he took an seat next to me to see this humerus  situation.

She was playing something with the dogs. They were playing poker while she had a card taped to her head. Where did she even get the tape? "Am I a *hic* CoW?" She asked them. "NO! For the tenth time we are playing poker! besides it's an ace of spades." An dog answered her. "Oh *hic* ok... Am I a *hic* sheep?" She asked. Jones looked at me and asked. "Should we do something"

"yup" I said and stood up, he followed suit. We walked towards Anica and quickly said sorry to the dogs. Jones picked her up by trowing her over his shoulder, and walked away. I quickly went to Grillby, said a quick thank you and gave him his phone back.
I ran after Jones and into the skelebros' house.

I could see Anica on the ground wrapped in a blanket, while the guys sat on the couch. I quickly went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water for Anica, quickly saying "Hi" to Papyrus. When I walked back to the living room, I shook my head and went to take a seat next to between the two. I looked both ways "so what are we gonna do?" I asked while throwing Anica's shirt on the table.

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