Pt 12. The Beginning Of The End

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You had been working for hours to translate the last parts of text. Sans and Jones had gone back to the house and are probably asleep.

Anica had gone a bit drowsy but kept going. You on the other hand didn't need that much sleep so this was just child's play. You were on the last sentence of the second to last paper that needed to be translated.

Y/n Pov
As I was translating the page I figured out a few words.

Entry 17

Dark Darker Yet Darker
The Darkness Keeps

I stopped translating as I heard a sudden thud behind me. I quickly turned around to see what fell down. As I looked I could hear Anica snoring softly, with her head on the papers. I softly shook my head with a soft smile playing on my lips.

I turned back around and went back to translating.

Entry number 17

Dark Darker Yet Darker
The Darkness Keeps Growing
The Shadows Cutting Deeper Photon Readings Negative
This Next Experiment
Seems, Very, Very, Interesting
What Do You Two Think?

After translating all of that I was kinda in shock but dissapointed too. "There are two others who know about this doctors experiments, and even worked on it with this doctor".

"Still no clue as in what his experiment was, and if there's another way to break the barrier".
I whisper talked to myself, trying to get everything together whilst not waking Anica.

I could feel a bit more hopeless seeing as that was the last paper.
Right now it's very important that we find those two reffered monsters.

I slowly stood up and moved the chair out of the way, and walked over to Anica. I smiled softly seeing her sleeping soundly. She hadn't slept in days so seeing her sleep is nice.

As I continued walking this time towards the door, I quietly opened it. The cold air immediately came rushing in. So naturally I quickly stepped outside and closed the door behind me, as to prevent it from getting too cold in there.

I quickly rushed towards Sans and Papy's house and knocked in a rushed manner. The cold air surrounding me was enough to make me shiver. A few seconds later than I would like the door before me opened up.

Inside I could see Jones, with a blanket surrounding him shuffling back towards the couch. On the couch there was another blanket. Quickly I stepped inside and shut the door whit one last shiver running down my back.

As I stepped into the living room I could see that the blanket had a face. To be more exact it was Sans' face poking out of the blanket. He was snoring softly with his eyesockets closed.

Looking back at Jones I think he just now realised what time it was.
He slowly turned back towards me a stern look on his tired face. "Do you know what time it is." He rethorically asked.

Whenever he would get in this state eyecontact is thing you would want the least. "and where have you left Anica?" He continued.

How stern he may have looked I couldn't take him seriously. He had the blanket covering him almost fully. The only part that wasn't covered was his face. Inspecting further I could see that there were two completely colours, hitting at two different blankets.

So seeing Jones with this blanket cocoon I just couldn't help it and snickered a bit.

Eventhough he knew why I was laughing he still tried to keep glaring, making me shut up. After a moment of awkward glaring, he just stopped and burst out laughing. Making me in turn start laughing again.

He knew that at this point he just had to own it so he did. I saw one of his hands reach the surface of the blanket and, grab a hold of it. Now he had the corner in his hand. He made a quick turn of 180° and just used the corner as a half cape.

At this point I was already laughing hard but, that one move made me laugh even harder. I had already completly forgotten about Sans and Anica.

What made us stop laughing was the shuffling behind him and a sleepy skeleton wrapped in blankets. Looking cuter than normal with all those blankets wrapped around him.

"Oh, I am sorry we woke you up. We didn't mean too, right Jones". I apologised and elbowed Jones to get him to apologize too. He just scoffed at you and mumbled something along the lines of 'It wasn't my fault' .

"hey guys where is Anica? Wasn't she supposed to be with you Y/n?"
Sans asked, making me realize.

'I completely forgot'
"Uhm that's why I came here she fell asleep and too heavy to lift.." I continued, mumbling.
Jones got the hint and started to take of his blankets.

Sans didn't quite get it but took his blankets of too.

On the surface things were a bit different. The city had gotten evacuated eventually but in the week that there were still citizens, we would get quite busy.
Chara had proven herself usefull in the battle against Frisk.

Danique's pov

The past week I had been busy going from crime scene to crime scene and healing the wounded.
I didn't go to hospitals because there were cameras there, and there are only so many people you can help. Though it is hard to hear that people have died from wounds and not being able to help.

There had been a lot of casualties. It had been hard for everyone when the first death was announced. It was a drunken blonde who had trown a beer bottle at Frisk, someone was able to film this and it's all over the Internet right now. It was brave but foolish of them.

This happened when we were hiding from Frisk. We had stayed the entire day inside, what we didn't know was that she had already left us alone.

Edward came back just yesterday. It was great seeing him again. It was nice for Alex to he had been silent for days. So seeing him smile upon there arrival was great.
Though I would swear there was something else in that smile.

When Mila wasn't with him we didn't suspect anytging of it. Of course we were worried about her but she's strong and wise. So she'll be okay. At least that's what we hope, Edward thinks she's helping evacuees get out of the city but we honestly don't know.

I heard a snap in front of me, SNAPPING me out of my trans.
Infront of me stood a worried looking Chara. Her brown bangs fell over her eyes making them hard too see.

Through Chara I could see that Alexander and Edward were here too. A shiver ran down my spine as I looked though Chara, still not being used to it. Giving them a weak smile, I slowly stood up mentally preparing myself for whatever was going to happen today.

"To The Underground!" - Sans x fem!Reader "Discontinued!" Where stories live. Discover now