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My love for the enemy


Her heart is as cold as ice as darkness surrounds it, she grins wickedly at her husbands. The thought of the guardians crushed from her ice is satisfying but unfortunately the Evil Snow Queen is not allowed to do that. All The Lord of Darkness wanted was to get his Evil wife out of that pathetic place as soon as possible, he can not have her remember them or what 'happy' things she went through there. He made sure that those memories were forgotten and out of her mind but there is a possibility that she can get them back but not on his watch. He will not leave his wife side, his wicked wife. Now she is his equal and it is time to bring her home where she rightfully belongs. The Lord of Darkness along side The Princess of Darkness have been aching to bring her back and put this plan into action to turn her heart ice cold and black, but he left a little bit of light which is the love she is suppose to have for him and that is all The Evil Snow Queen remembers and has to know.

All that went through her mind was to destroy those people she just met, not did she know who they are only that she had a burning hatred for them and wanted them gone. The Evil Snow Queen didn't know why she wanted to destroy them, the only things she knew for sure was that her evil husband hated them with passion. Maybe it didn't matter that she knew nothing of her hatred for them, all that mattered was to make sure they are gone. The Evil Snow Queen has seen how anger her husband gets when he tries to kill them and fails. She liked it when he was angry, it is sexy. But this time she is going to be the one to kill every last member of the guardians and come home into her husbands arms with a smile on her face, telling him about how she finally got rid of them once and for all. The thought makes her grin wickedly. It has been decided, she is gonna do something that her husband has never succeeded. But it has to be a secret, she wants him to be proud of her, proud of his evil wife.

"Elsa, have I told you how beautiful you look in black?" The Lord of Darkness grins at his wife as he pulls her into a deep kiss. She shakes her head while kissing her husband, she deepens the kiss. "Well my beautiful wife you are the most beautiful one in the world" The lord of Darkness says as pushes her into a wall, as the moment becomes more heated. He slips his hand down her panties and rubs her sensitive spot, making his wife moan. "MY INNOCENCE EYES, PLEASE THE HORRORS" The Princess of Darkness interrupted the married couple of their moment, with her hands on her eyes shielding her eyes from the sighs. She actually wanted to ruin the moment for them, she has always loved interrupting them when she is around. The couple break away immediately. The Princess of Darkness chuckles through her smirk that has been plastered on her face since she came into the room. "Sister can't you see we're busy here?" he goes back to kissing his own wife in front of his little sister, not caring that she is watching them kissing. He can do what ever he wants with her and his sister should hit the road.

"Actually Luna, you came at the right time, I need to go planning something big" The Evil Snow Queen says as she walks into the shadows and disappears leaving her husband horny and her sister in law confused. She has never been the one to leave the room like that, she always says something nice or something that brightens up the mood. "What the hell did you do to her?" She asks as she point at the spot where The Evil Snow Queen once was before. She was far to distracted to bother them that she had not notice that her sister in law looked different from her normal self, her look and hear attitude are totally different from the girl she use to know. "I just brought out the inner darkness in her heart and took her pathetic love for that stupid guardian, I just made her better. Learn to live with it, she is staying this way" he also disappears into the shadows like his wife few seconds before. He wants to join his wife in her plan, he knows she is smart and will come up with something wicked which means it will be fun for the both of them, and maybe later they can have fun in the bedroom and finish what they started earlier.

"Wow I actually liked her better in her blue dress" The princess of Darkness says to herself as she leaves to do her normal evil things, terrorizing cities and creating chaos. That is what she likes the best. The Lord of Darkness reappears in his study where his beautifully evil wife has something plotting, he knows she has a perfect plan, always has and always will. The Evil Snow Queen is deep in thoughts as she thinks of a plan, he watches her think. Wanting to know what is happening inside her pretty little evil mind, he would do anything to know what she thinks of all the time. She has not notice him yet, since she is deep inside her mind plotting a very evil plan, he smirks at her. She looks so adorable in those evil clothes and her hair looks amazingly black. For him her look is perfect and it matches himself. She finally looks up with an idea in her head. "What have you got planned my love?" She smirks her famous evil smirk. "Something awesomely wicked" she says and laughs evilly and soon her evil husband joins in with her.

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