Chapter 6

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 6

Evil Elsa

"Deal" I tell them as I smirk wickedly. Ha, as if he can ever beat me, that Frosthead doesn't even fight back, he doesn't stand a chance against me. This is way to easy, he will lose the fight and the guardians will be no more, besides I can do whatever I want with him. I could use him as my personal servant, for some reason I want to keep him. I don't know why but I just feel it. "After you Frosthead" I tell him as I point to the giant hole in the wall that Pitch made before, he takes his staff and flies out the hole. I don't know why Pitch even made that hole in the first place, I guess he did it out of anger. He does have anger issues and the guardians pissed him off. So you can connect the dots. I make a large thick snowflake to stand on, it flies with me outside where I'll be joining Frosthead in a battle that I'm gonna crush. I hate to be the one to ruin his handsome face, I want him in one piece when I use him for something which I haven't quite decided yet but I will decide what to do with him sooner or later. Right now I have a battle to win.

Both of us are high up in the air, he flying and me standing on a snowflake. He can kind of control the wind but unfortunately I can't do that. Tho that power would be wickedly cool to have. "Now let's finish this, Frosthead, I'm getting so tired of you showing up and ruining everything" I yell at him with anger in my voice. I just want this over with, I have bigger things to freeze. I shoot at him many ice crystals, he dodges them all but one hits his leg and he screams in pain. Yes scream, what I'm about to do to him will hurt. I'm done playing nice, I'm stepping up my game. Frosthead tries to shoot frost at me but I make an ice shield to protect myself from the frost. I throw at him a large snowball like I did before and he doesn't have to me to move away so it hits him in the chest and sends him flying backwards and he almost hits the ground.

Oh come on, this can't be that hard to take down a guardian. 'I'm begging you to not harm him, he is our love' the annoying voice inside my head tells me. For some reason I really want to listen to it but I know that the only way I can defeat Frosthead is to harm him. That is how a fight work, if you want to win the battle than you have to play dirty and hurt the enemy, no matter what. I tell the voice to shut up and throw another set of icicles at Frosthead but this time they are bigger and sharper but there is a twist. You don't expect me to play nice did you? Two of the icicles hit him, one in the chest and the other in the shoulder. He screams very loudly in pain, I smirk wickedly. That is right, feel the pain. "I guess this pain isn't comfortable, I can imagine the pain you must be feeling right now. The burning feeling that is going through your body" I tell him, he drops his staff and falls down to the ground. I don't know if the fall or the pain from my icicle.

"What did you do to me" he chokes out from the pain, I think he is starting to couch out blood but I can't be sure of it. I laugh. "I just poisoned you that's all, if you want the antidote then you have to give up" I tell him as I wave a bottle with the antidote in the air. I could just throw the antidote somewhere, where he can never find it. That would be a good way to destroy him once and for all. Why didn't Pitch think of poisoning the guardians before, that is the most perfect way to kill them and get rid of them. "Elsa, I will never give up when it comes to you, I would rather die then give up on helping you" he says and groans in pain. See, I told you that this would be the most easiest thing in the world. He will give in eventually, I know that. This Frosthead is the weakling in the guardians so that means he will give in because he is not as strong as all the other guardians. Besides he believes that he has some 'feelings' for me.

Which also gives me the advantage in the situation. "You just have to accept it, I won't give you the antidote until you give up, you know I'm thinking of getting myself rid of the antidote soon so think fast before I destroy it completely. The clock is ticking" I tell him as I make an ice throne for me to sit. You know that my feet can get tired of standing, we might we here for a while. The Frosthead is an idiot for trying to fight the poison, I think that he doesn't know that the harder you fight the poison the quicker it is to spread. I really love this poison not only because it hurts people and it is fun to watch but also because it makes people do everything I want eventually. "I should tell you that I'm not the most patient person in the world" I tell him and he rolls his eyes. Did he know it or did he just expected it? "If I give up, do you promise to give me the antidote?" He asks, I was about to say no. But the voice in the back of my head broke free fo a little bit. "Yes" The voice tells him and without doing it, I give him the antidote that heals him.

My Love For The Enemy[3]✔️जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें