Chapter 13

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 13


"Pitch has done something terrible, he has stepped up his game. And now it has become to much" North says to us, suddenly I don't feel very well in my stomach, and I feel like I might throw up but I hold it in. Pitch is doing something bad again. I knew he would do something sooner or later, I just didn't knew it would be this soon. I mean can't he take a break for a day or maybe just forever. "What has he done this time?" I ask, I know that not all the guardians like me after what I did to them but when Pitch has been defeated I will gain their trust again. I mean I am a guardian right? And soon I'll be Jack's wife. Wow Jack's wife sounds so nice. Mrs. Frost has a very nice ring on it don't you think? I think when all of this is over I will give Jack some hints about marriage, every body knows how he can be. Sometimes he is oblivious and doesn't get a thing. To me it is just adorable and I love that about him.

"He has been kidnapping children, all of those children have one thing in common. They are all girls with blue eyes and platinum blonde hair" North tells us, at his words everyone's eyes turn to me. I freeze on the spot. He is taking girls that look like me. Why? What the hell is he planning? I have to do something. I feel the bad feeling in my stomach again but this time I can't hold it in and I run to the nearest bathroom and throw up my breakfast into the toilet. Jack soon comes and holds my hair for me. He is so sweet. I feel like my stomach is empty now. I start crying as Jack hugs me and just holds me on the floor. What is happening to me? I have been throwing up a lot lately and I ave no idea why. I guess it is just stress or something like that. "Are you ok?" Jack asks me after few minutes of crying, he wipes away all my tears. I stand up but I feel very weak and fall down, Jack catches me before I hit the ground. He picks me up bridal style and carries out of the bathroom.

He takes me back to the globe room where the guardians are waiting for us, he puts me down on a chair. "Oh my, you're looking awfully pale. Are you sure you are all right?" Tooth asks me and I nod my head. i feel so weak that I can't speak. Jack goes somewhere and hands me a glass of water. I take a few sips, it helps me a little but I am still a bit weak. "We need to act fast, every hour another girl goes missing. This has gone out of hand and he needs to be put down before he does something else. The world is suffering and we need to save it" North tells me. I agree with him, Pitch has become to dangerous for this world. I could handle that he only wanted to spread fear around but this is just something else entirely. I fear that he has become another person, a person that I don't know anymore. For some reason i feel like this is all my fault. If I hadn't fallen head over heels in love with Jack then non of this would be happening now.

God I wish I could chance the past, I never meant for any of this to happen. I love Jack so much, I don't want him getting hurt and knowing that he could get hurt because of something that I did, it would destroy me. everyone came with ideas how to defeat Pitch but I just stay silent. I guess Jack noticed it. "Elsa, do you know ow to stop him?" he asks me as he takes my hand. I smile at him. When he said that everyone looked my way, and I can see the desperation in their eyes. I nod my head and they all smile. I guess it is good that I know a way to put an end to this all. I kind of feel bad for Pitch right now but then again he does deserve it. After all the pain he has caused. "Can you tell us?" North asks as he comes closer to me, they all did. Bunny and tooth look a little mad that I have not said anything to them yet. The truth is I couldn't, I couldn't tell anyone the only way to kill Pitch. My first love. Call me selfish but I don't want him to die but I also don't want him to be alive either.

God, everything is so confusing right now, I can barely think straight. I know I have to tell them everything, otherwise Pitch is going to continue to kidnap those innocent girls. They have to be saved. "You see when I lived with Pitch there was always a room in the castle. That room has many dark objects but there is one object that can kill him. I don't know what it looks like exactly but I know it is made out of silver, and that it has a moon on it. That is all I know, that object will kill him and he will never rise again. But there is a catch, the one who uses this object to kill Pitch will become the next Dark Lord. Many have tried to find this object but no one has been able to do it. I have been inside that room and I have looked around in it but I have never found it. Please we can't use it, this is something we can not do" I tell them but I know what I need to do. I need to be the one to kill him with it. That will save everyone.

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