Chapter 9

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 9


"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?!?! DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU JUST PUT ME THROUGH?!?" I yell at Pitch as I punch and kick him, he doesn't even try to fight back. What is it with everyone and not wanting to fight back when I am fighting them? It is so annoying. I'm just so angry right now, I know everything that Pitch made me do, he turned me evil. He made me hurt the people I care about and the man that I love. What is wrong with him? I thought he cared enough about me to allow me to be happy, all my life I have felt something missing in my life and now I know why. Jack has always been missing from it, and now that he is in it I am going to make sure that he stays. "YOU PUT ME THROUGH HELL AND YOU USED ME TO GET WHAT YOU WANTED, DO YOU KNOW HOW SICK THAT IS?" I yell at him, he doesn't even flinch. But I think I see a hint of guilt in his eyes and he should feel guilty after everything he did.

I know he is supposed to be evil but this is crossing the line, and yes there is a line. Finally I stop hitting him and yelling at him, I grow tired in my hands and feet. I fall down on my knees as I just cry my eyes out on the floor. My feelings are all over the place and I have no idea how to stop it, I don't even know why I am crying. For some reason I feel sick in my stomach, I run to the bathroom and throw up in the toilet. I think there is something wrong with me, I never get sick. I clean my face and brush my teeth. When I come out of the bathroom Pitch is watching me. "Are you all right?" He asks but I just ignore him and walk away, I need pack everything and get out of here. I don't want to spend another minute here longer than I have to since I don't think I can be in the same room as him. He has done a lot of horrible things in the past but this one is the far worst of them all.

All my stuff is packed, Pitch just watched me pack he didn't even try to stop me, which makes me wonder if he does love me? Did he just love mine for my powers? Or did he love the evil me? Did he even love me at all or did he pretend? I walk out of the room and knock on Luna's door, I want to say goodbye to her before I leave. I am a bit angry at her that she didn't do anything while I was under that dark spell but I know that she was truly my friend and even if she is evil she will always be my friend. She opens the door and before I could even open my mouth she runs and hugs me, more like crushing me but I don't mind. I have missed this. "Elsa your back, I missed you so much" she says as she breaks the hug and I can finally breath. "I missed you to bu-" I start to say but she cuts me off when her eyes land on my packed suitcase. "Your leaving, but you just got back" she says and I think that I see water form in her eyes.

Oh no I have made her cry, Luna is a very sensitive person. "I can't stay here, maybe I will be back later but right now I can't be with him. Besides I want to be the one I love" I tell her as I hand her a letter. "Can you give this to Pitch when I'm gone?" I ask her, she takes the letter and and hugs me while tears run down her cheeks, when someone else cries I always cry so tears run down my cheeks as well. "Ok, just take care of yourself" she tells me, she isn't a big fan of goodbye, well neither am I. I nod my head as we hug once again. "You to" I whisper to her still hugging. We break the hug and I walk away, I dry off all my tears. I meet Pitch in the hallway but this time he tries to talk to me but of course I ignore him completely, there is no way I'm talking to him, he ruined my life and tried to kill my love, he made me try to kill my love. And I will never forgive him for that.

I arrive at The North Pole and I see that Jack is sitting on the floor near the two snowflakes that I made when I turned back to good. He hasn't notice me yet and I giggle silently so he won't hear me. He us just so adorable, and handsome. How can one person be this perfect inside and out? It is just unreal. He finally notices me and stands up, and walks to me. "Hey" he says to me and I can't help but smile, I'm very thankful that he never gave up on me, I don't know what I would do if he did. "Hi" I tell him as I feel my cheeks burn up. He has so much affect on me that no one else has. I'm so shy around him and that is something that never happens, I don't usually show emotions. "I've missed you" he says to me. "I've missed you to" I tell him as my light blue eyes meet his dark blue eyes. His eyes are so beautiful, they match him perfectly. "Oh, what the heck" I tell him as I throw myself at him and kiss him with everything I got.

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