Chapter 15

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 15

Jack Frost

Both girls are on the floor laughing like we aren't in the room with them. I sigh in relief that Elsa isn't hurt, I wouldn't hate myself if something would have happened to her. "Is everything all right?" Tooth asks, both of them stop laughing when she said that and finally notice that we are here. They quickly stand up, Elsa blushes in embarrassment. "Oh, yes we are fine" Elsa says. She looks down, a little to embarrassed to do anything else. To me she looks so cute. "Then we will be on our way then" North says awkwardly and tells us to go back to the globe room and leaving the girls to do whatever they were doing before. Still it was a bit weird that they screamed and then began laughing, but on the other hand girls are pretty weird. Especially with their mood swings, what I do know about those is to not anger a girl. For most guys that usually ends up of begin kneeled in the groin. Which hurts by the way. Never tell Elsa what I just said, she will be mad and I don't want to anger her for obvious reasons.

We continue to talk over everything, trying to come up with a plan. Nothing came to our minds, pretty much everything we have ever tried to defeat backfires at us and that sucks you know. It is like a never ending cycle and that pisses me off more than anything in the world. I know something needs to be done but I have no idea what, all of our ideas always backfires at us. There is not much we can do. Everyone is kind of talking over everyone else, it is chaos here. Suddenly the doors open and Pitch sister comes in, she looks like she has been crying but she is trying to hide it. That makes me wonder of what the hell happened with her and Elsa. When she entered the room everyone got quiet, something about her does that. The guardians don't exactly trust her so they are keeping an eye on her I think. "Stop the madness here, usually I love arguments but not when Elsa's life is at stake" She says and I see a hint of disappointment in North's eyes. She is only thinking of a way to save Elsa and no one else.

I guess she notices the disappointment in his eyes like I did. "Look you may not like me but I care about Elsa to and now that she is carrying a child she needs me. And no-" she begins but she is cut off by everyone. "WHAT?" We yell at the say time. "You didn't know she was carrying a child, the signs were all there" she says with a smirk, like this is amusing to her. I am speechless, why didn't I see this before? I have been so stupid, Elsa is pregnant and I didn't see it. I'm so shocked right now, she is actually pregnant but is the baby mine? I am we did have s*x last night but she wouldn't be showing any symptoms yet. Which could only mean she was pregnant before that, that can also mean that the baby could be Pitch's. But I'm not going to let that stop me, I will love this baby no matter who the father is. Even if the baby is Pitch's. I'm going to raise it as my own with Elsa. "Anyway now that the news have been told we have lot to discuss" she says.

"I have a plan to stop my dear brother, well Elsa has the plan. And that plan has already begun. I was just the distraction while Elsa left t-" She says but yet again she is cut off. "WHAT?" We all yell again. Elsa is gone? I should have kept a closer eye on her, I should have put an handcuff on her and me together. That way she wouldn't be able to get away for them hundreds time. She is always disappearing on me, that needs to chance a fast. When I find her again I'm going to make sure she never gets away from me again. Right now I am heartbroken. She is pregnant and she has gone off somewhere putting her and the baby in a lot of danger. I don't want to risk her getting hurt and now that she is actually carrying a new life in her womb which means she needs to be even more carful then ever. I run to the bedroom where Elsa was before only to see that the room has no person in it. She really is gone. I fall down on the floor with tears running down my cheeks and into the ground.

I don't care who sees me crying, all I care about is that Elsa has left me to do something dangerous. I have lost her again after I promised to not lose her. I feel like I have failed, failed her and now failed the baby. I just sit there on the floor crying my eyes out until I feel someone touch my shoulder. I look up to see Pitch sister standing there, for one second I see guilt in her eyes but she is quick to hide her emotions. "She had to go, she wanted to do the right thing and I know it may have been a very stupid idea of her leaving like this but there is only one way to kill Pitch and she has to be the one to do. She told me that she wants to save you for once, that you have saved her so many times that now she wants to do the right thing and save you, her baby and the whole world. Let her do it, I can tell you that she won't die and the baby won't be harmed. I know that but the thing you can do is support her choice, she is choosing this and we should respect her decision" She says, I should let Elsa do this, I have to support her.

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