Chapter 1

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 1

Jack Frost

I just lost the love of my life again, how did I let this happen? I should have stayed with her, I knew I should have. I am such a loser for losing her. "Jack don't beat yourself up, Elsa will come back to us, to you. There is one thing I know about love that it always finds away. And believe me you two will find away back to each other, I've seen it happen to many times with the two of you so I'm convinced that she will find her way here one way or another, back to you not because she wants to destroy you but because her love for you will never die nor can it be silenced by darkness or anything in the world" North says trying to cheer me up, I have been sitting on the floor in Elsa's room since she left with Pitch. I could have prevented this all from happening if I only had staid with her for few more hours. I regret everything about the night, well except for the good time me and Elsa had, I regret the part after where I left her alone to be taken by Pitch.

He has chanced her completely. I was making progress with her when she was only a little bit black but now she is all evil and stuff, but I vow to myself that I will do whatever it takes to make her love me again and bring her back to the light again and that is what I will do. "Thanks North, that helps but I don't know what to do now, I know that Pitch will never let me near her so it will be very difficult to bring her back to the light" I tell him, I have been crying for so long that I have no tears left to cry, do not judge me that I am crying but boys can cry like everyone else. I am crying because the love of my life is gone and I just lost her ad that is something worth crying over. "Jack like I said before the only thing you have to do is be yourself when they get here, she fell in love with you without even realizing it, and that is exactly what we want again" he says.

I have to say that he is right, I didn't try much for her to love me. Well I was always trying make her fall in love with me but she fell on her own right? She was in a bit of a fight with herself. "I should leave, you have plenty to think about before she comes here, trust me she is going to try to kill us all so be ready for anything, one thing I know about her is that she always has a amazing entrances, have that in mind" North says and leaves me alone with my thoughts. I know Elsa has amazing entrances, that is just the way she is. "Oh Elsa, what will I do with you?" I ask myself, every time that I have her in my arms I lose her again I hate that. I just want to spend some time with her, and no one in this world allows me to do that. I freaking hate it. I stand up from floor and pick up a snowflake bracelet that was lying on the floor. Elsa loved this bracelet, she would never take it off. I gave it to her when she was pretending to be on our side but there is on thing she did not pretend and that is that she liked this bracelet.

And I know she did because when I gave it to her, her face lit up like never before and that was the happiest day of my life. Aside from the day that I met her and the day that I will marry her, and of course I am going to marry her. Trust me there is going to be a wedding. I smile at the bracelet, Pitch must have taken it off her and thrown it away when he did whatever he did to her. When I have brought her back to the light I'll make sure to give this to her, I will even put this on her wrist myself and make sure that no one except for the two of us can take that bracelet off, so Elsa can take it off whenever she wants but no one else can. Anyway I make my way out of the room and into the globe room. North has his elves fixing the place up after everything that happened in there. I am met with the other guardians when I get there. They look at me with sorrow in their eyes. I don't want them to feel sorry for me.

"What are we suppose to do now?" Tooth asks after a moment of silence. I feel like crying, Elsa is on my mind all the time and I just want her to be mine is that to much to ask for? I had her and then I lost her, this happens a lot but this time when I get her I know for a fact that I am going to do everything in my power to keep her and nothing and no one will take her away from me. I look at the other guardians and they look puzzled of what to do except for North, not does that surprise me. He always has something in mind, some kind of a plan, there is no denying that. it is kind of weird how the other have never noticed that it is North that comes with all the ideas and everyone else just waits for someone or him to say something. It will be fun when I tell them later on but I have not time to think about this right now, there is something more important going on right now. "For now we wait, they will come to us"

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