Chapter 12

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 12


I wake up on a very soft pillow that is moving up and down in motion. I open my eyes, my head is lying on Jack's chest. Our legs are tangled together. I wish I could wake up like this every morning. His heartbeat is so calming, I never want to get up, I just want to hear his heartbeat every singe minute of every single day. It sounds pretty strange but it is love. If you haven't been in love then you'll never understand. Memories of last night flash through my eyes as a smile forms on my face. Last night was the best night of my life. I feel him stir and start to wake up. It is a little disappointing because I want to lie on his chest forever but I'm still happy that he is waking up. "Good morning" I say to him as I see his eyes open, he smiles at me and then smirks when he sees that I am on his chest. "Morning" he says with his husky morning voice. For some reason that turns me on so much. "How did you sleep?" I ask him.

He chuckles, that usually means he has some good come back. "I slept well but I liked begin awake last night most of all, wouldn't you agree?" He asks me, so he wants to play this game, two can play this game. All I can say is game on Frost head. "Yes it was quite extraordinary" I tell him, with a smirk on my face. I guess he has realized that I am also playing this game. He is silent for a few seconds, maybe a minute. I just stare into his eyes, I know he is trying to think of something but he doesn't know what. Jack is that, he sometimes has to think very hard to find something to say but I don't mind, to me I think it is a bit adorable. Don't tell him I said that, he will never make me forget it, and I mean it. He is the kind of a person that never forgets something only to tease someone else with it. "I agree with you, so you up for another round or should we go eat breakfast?" he asks with a smirk. So he wants another round, it is very tempting but so is food.

S*x or breakfast? It is impossible to choose between those two. I love food more than anything but then again I also like pleasure. I guess he thought about the best come back because he know I would never deny food but I would also never deny a good s*x. Why is he making this so hard for me, does he want to torture me? I guess he does since he is making me choose. I got an idea. He wants me to say s*x but I'm not going to say that. "Breakfast" I tell him and I see him frown, I guess I have won the game. I force myself of his chest, only to be longing to be on it again. As I stand up and dress my self in my bra and panties, then I make myself a new dress. I look in the mirror and my hair is all over the place, like really all over the place. I think it could be a bird nest. I brush my hair that took forever to do since my hair was in crazy town. And put it in a French braid that is on the side. Adding a little make up and I am ready.

Jack is still lying on the bed, I don't think he wants to get up any time soon. Well then he is losing a lot since the food here is amazing and if he wants to get some before it gets finished then he better come quick. Me and bunny always fight for the food, especially the chocolate. I can't help it that I am crazy for chocolate. I got to Jack and kiss him on the lips and walk out of the room. When I enter the globe room I am met with North and bunny fighting of which holiday is the best, tooth is ordering her little fairies something and Sandy is just eating. I start to eat a chocolate chip pancake with chocolate on top, I'm in heaven. I eat like five of them, don't judge I am very hungry and I love chocolate more than anything in the world. Maybe Jack is on top of that list but chocolate is definitely high up on the list. I wonder how it would be if I lick chocolate of Jack's chest. That would be the best thing in the whole wide world.

I got to try it someday. The doors open and Jack and a big furry guy come inside the globe room. Jack comes to me and starts to eat something while the furry guy goes to North and talks to him about something. I have never understood what they say but if North does, then I guess it is all right. To me I think they are annoying, I mean they are always picking people up. That does hurt a lot. North does look a little angry to me while the furry guy talks to him. I wonder what that is all about, but it isn't my business. It must be something wrong with some toys or something. "I would ave liked a second round" Jack whispers in my ear making me blush like a tomato that has just been cooked in ketchup. "To bad, you made me choose and I can never say no to food" I tell him, after a little while. Suddenly North tries to get all of our attention and every one stops at what they are doing. "Guardians we have a problem, a very big problem" North says.

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