Chapter 8

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 8

Jack Frost

The huge ball of ice and black sand is frozen in mid air and for that I am happy for. But the weird thing is that the huge ball isn't frozen in mid air, something stopped it but what? I look at it and see that there is light blue bubble around me and the guardians, and stopping the ball from hitting us. What the hell? On the other hand Elsa is floating in the air, her eyes are glowing white instead of black like they were before. Her dress starts to turn back to light blue, her hair goes back to the beautiful platinum blonde hair like it use to be before. Slowly she floats back to the ground and when she her feet though the ground magic spreads through them and goes everywhere. It makes the huge ball disappear into thin air, and the huge hole in the wall starts to rebuild itself, the broken furnitures fix them selfs, the black sand that is tying the guardians disappears and helps them stand up, at last my chains disappear and my staff appears in my hand. I look at Elsa and she is smiling, her eyes are back to her crystal blue eyes, that I have grown to love.

Her eyes meet mine, this time I don't see black eyes I see in her blue eyes the love she use to have. She is back to good, but how? What made her turn back to good? I don't understand this. She turns to Pitch and I can see the anger in her. "YOU LYING SON OF A BIT*H, YOU WILL PAY FOR DOING THIS" she screams at him and for the first time in forever I actually see him scared. He is scared of her, she is angry that scares him. Wow who should believe it? She looks back at me. "I'll be back" she says and she and Pitch disappear. I think that she is going to kick his butt, oh come on I am missing this. I don't want to miss that fight, it would be amazing to watch Elsa kick Pitch's but for once. It is his time to lose. "Now what are we suppose to do?" Tooth asks after a few minutes of silence. I have no stopped staring into the place where Elsa last stood.

Where she stood is a snowflake that doesn't seem to want to disappear but it is very beautiful so I don't care. It was on this spot where Elsa became good again. "I suppose we wait for Elsa to arrive, she has many unfinished business with Pitch, we should let her deal with it, beside we know she will be back, she said so herself. And we all know that she wouldn't leave Jack alone for long" North says, then she says something else but I don't really listen to that, I am to busy thinking of how Elsa turned good. It doesn't make sense, everything that I did didn't really work so how the hell did she break free from Pitch's spell. I study the snowflake and than notice that there is a larger snowflake around it that I hadn't noticed before. That snowflake reminds me of something it is just very hard to put my finger on it. I walk over to it and sit down next to it, I touch it and I get a very good energy source through my body and I know that is Elsa's magic. Now I remember where I have seen the larger snowflake.

I open my palm and make a snowflake, the larger snowflake that is on the floor looks exactly like my snowflake. That is very weird. "Jack, she will be back, don't worry" Tooth says as she sits next to me on the floor. Right now I don't think that it is weird to sit on the floor right now, after everything that has happened. "I know, I just don't know how this all happened, she suddenly turned good without any reason at all" I tell her. Is it strange that I still haven't figured out how Elsa became good? Maybe it shouldn't matter, what should matter is that she is back and better then ever or at least I hope so. She is just a bit angry at Pitch but I think she is handling that right now. I have learned by the hard way that once Elsa is angry you should let her have her way otherwise it is hell for you, trust me. My words could save your life. "Jack, don't you know? There is a reason for why Elsa is good again. When the magic ball was about to hit us, Elsa saw that her true love was almost killed. She saw that you were almost killed meaning she had to do something" She tells me.

Does that mean that I did help to make her turn back good or what? Suddenly a gust of cold wind blows through out the North Pole, and I get goosebumps on my skin, that doesn't happen a lot. The only time this happens is when Elsa I near. Stand up from the ground to see that Elsa is standing close by, she is smiling at me. I walk over to her. "Hey" I say to her. "Hi" she says and blushes, it has been so long since I have seen her blush and smile without begin evil. "I've missed you" I tell her, suddenly I feel very shy to be around her. But I'm sure that is normal, I do remember that before she turned evil I was always very shy around her. "I've missed you to" she says as her eyes meet mine, I get lost in her beautiful eyes. It is hard to resist to be stuck in her eyes. "Oh what the heck" she says as she throws herself at me and kisses me right on the lips.

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