Chapter 16

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My Love For The Enemy

Chapter 16


I created a plan to fool the guardians and I can't believe that it actually worked, it is unbelievable. They are so dumb, even Jack. Well for Jack it is rather adorable, but on the other hand with the guardians, it is just strange. I mean shouldn't they be smart and figure out what I did. Anyway me and Luna faked screaming and then when the guardians came we started laughing. We did this so they wouldn't be suspicious of us if something goes wrong with the plan. But I know I have to do this. For the sake of Jack, the guardians, the world, for me but most of all for my unborn child. Luna gave me a pregnancy test and I took six of them to make sure that I was really pregnant and all of them came out as positive. It was kind of a shock when I found out but now all I can feel is happiness. I am actually carrying another human begin in my stomach right now and it fills me with joy. This is actually my child. I have always liked children, I just never knew I would have one of my own.

Pitch has never wanted a child, he never told me why but I am guessing he hates children. With the help from Luna I am going to Pitch's castle and I am going to end everything. I know how and I will have to do something that only I can do. You can say that it is my destiny. The future of my child depends on this and I want to make sure that my child gets the best even if it is not with me. Jack is very good with children and my baby will be safe with him where nothing can harm it. Even if I don't get a chance to raise it, but I know it is only for the best. Luna decided that she is the distraction while I sneak out of here, I do hope this plan work because if I am busted then I lose my only chance of making this right. And that is all that matters right now. While everyone is shocked when Luna said I was pregnant is my chance, I sneak past all of them without them knowing and went outside.

I knew if Luna told them, they would be in shock meaning they wouldn't be aware of what was happening around them which is he perfect time to sneak past them. It was way to easy if you ask me. But now comes the hard part, I need to face Pitch alone. And right now he is not in his right mind and It could be dangerous. If I am in any danger then I will do anything I can to protect my child. That is all I can think about right now, If I am going to do something that will put danger to the baby. I don't want that to happen. My baby isn't born yet but I feel so connected to it and I feel like I need to protect it and that is the reason why I am doing this. All of this is for my baby. I make a large snowflake and stand on it and make it float in the air. I am very good at holding balance so this is not hard for me to do. I go to the castle, when I arrive there, the castle is a bigot darker then usually. I know now that this is a bad idea but it has to be done.

I walk inside and see that everything is in pieces on the floor. Ever furniture that we had is broken, looking at all of this I feel sadness for Pitch. I mean after all this time I still care a bit for Pitch. I have loved him for centuries and that kind of caring doesn't just disappear in thin air. No matter what he will or has done Pitch will always have a part in my heart. "I can do this" I whisper to myself as I make my way to find my ex husband. The first place I go to is the bedroom, it was a bit difficult because I needed to cross many broken pieces. Even the walls have holes in them and they are made of bricks so that means that Pitch became very angry. I don't know why he is so angry, is it because I chose Jack over him? Or the fact that he hurt me? I just have no idea. When I open the door to the bedroom I see that nothing is broken, like he wanted to keep this room whole.

That puts a little smile on my face, I think that means that Pitch still cares about me but I can't be sure. Everything is in it's right place like it should be. The bed is even made like I use to have it, it is like Pitch hasn't been in here or slept in here. I know he is somewhere else right now so I need to find him before he does something else. I go outside of the room and close the doors behind me and continue my search of Pitch. Where could he be? I mean there are about thousands of rooms in this castle and he could be anywhere. And doing who know what. I walk to the throne room and open the doors. There I see Pitch sitting in his throne. He looks like he hasn't gotten any sleep for years. His hair is everywhere. He looks miserable. He hasn't noticed me yet, he is just staring into the wall. Well not exactly stare, he is glaring at the wall like the wall gave him frostbite or something. Finally I make myself noticeable in the room and he looks away from the wall and his eyes are on me. "Hello Pitch"

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