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namjoon is acting strange.

"hobs i'll make you that sandwich, okay?" he'd say and we all know namjoon isn't the greatest sandwich maker.

"it's fine don't worr–"

"please," he'll beg until i hand him the knife.

seokjin went out of town and i think namjoon's just looking out for me while the eldest isn't here.

yoongi and i went on a picnic, the elder letting me ramble on while munching on sandwiches made by namjoon, he complained about the tomato sauce tasting like frogs.

namjoon is really the only one who can make sandwiches taste like that.

jimin made our bakery dates more often, insisting he needed the time away from "that stuffy old house."

"hoseok, i don't know why but namjoon is going through a hectic "babysit hobi" stage, it's weird." jimin says, sipping on his tea.

"he misses his girl in the frilly dress, he told me." i tell jimin who just distantly nods as if already losing interest in the topic.

"yeah well he shouldn't take it out on you," jimin mutters, letting his hand push his hair back. i'm surprised he responded due to his lack of interest.

"it s'okay," jimin looks stressed so i decide to quickly move on from the topic.

"jimin, is a fish in water wet?"

"look, taehyung and i already argued over this, it's not fucking wet."

"yes, it is, it's in water, water makes shit wet," i say sternly, not letting my gaze on jimin break.

"uhm, no the fuck it isn't. fish live in water they're only wet when you take them out of their home." jimin smirks, satisfied with his argument.

"so you're telling me while they're in water they're dry?" jimin is completely taken aback by my conclusion.

"well, in an alternate universe i mean basi–"

"park fucking jimin are you calling the ocean an alternate universe?"

"you know what, yes i am. the fish aren't wet in the ocean."

"even if the ocean is wet," i say, almost amused at jimin's argument.

"the ocean isn't fucking wet, i mean water isn't wet so–"

"water is fucking wet!"

"no it's not."

"yes it is."





"i give up, pay for our fucking coffee so i can research how my answers are one hundred percent correct," jimin huffs, pouting like the idiot he is.

"yeah whatever," i say and when we walk home, the air tense with the argument.

the thing is, i can't stop myself from smiling.


also i really am trying to get y'all another chapter cuz i'm behind schedule but we'll see

oh major filler with major hints hehe ily! ))

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