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"the number you have dialed has been deactivated or is not in use, try another number!" i frown as the same message replays every time i type in seokjin's number.

after the fifth time it had the same message, a bundle of nerves and stress formed.

after the eighth time, panic had already taken over my body. i start to run back to the house, scared if my friend's saftey is at risk.

as soon as i open the door, fighting still heard from the kitchen, i rush upstairs to namjoon's room.

for the longest of times, namjoon and seokjin's room would be off limits. jimin joked that it was because namjoon has a vast amount of sex toys but i've never heard the real reason.

the room was the master bedroom, seokjin said that because he was the oldest he'd take it and he'd take namjoon in it too, no one laughed at his pun.

i knock loudly on his door. waiting patiently for namjoon to open the door but my patience runs out in a matter of seconds leaving me to bang on the door until he opens.

when it does open i see a lurched back figure, stressed and calming himself by running a hand through his hair.

"look jimin i'm not stepping into yours and yoo– oh hey seok, what's up?" namjoon's hair is messy, small bags under his eyes and i notice the papers that are stacking up in the corner of his room. 

"why isn't seokjinnie answering his calls?"

in an instant i see a change in namjoon's stature, he straightens his back and nervously fumbles.

"i knew this would happen uh, come in seokseok, there's a lot to explain."

before i could even step foot into the room, jimin is sprinting up the stairs.

"namjoon please talk some sense into that bast– seokie why are you upstairs?" jimin's anger quickly turns to worry as he eyes namjoon for answers.

"seokjin isn't answering his phone," i tell him, shifting in my space.

not many knew i was close to seokjin and even though there's nothing to be ashamed of, i still find myself being anxious.

"oh seokie," sadness and pity drips off his voice. "of course he's not answering," i hear a huff in his voice as he takes a deep breath.

"he's been dead for three years."

i fail to hear my heart shatter into ten million pieces. i fail to see namjoon quickly rushing me into the room and jimin being absolutely shocked. i fail to see anything really.

three years.

has it really been that long since he left?

has it really been that long since he left me?

( uh hey guys this is a day late and i cramped it in so i'm sorry if it sucks ass
this whole book lowkey sucks ass anyways
uh ily, pls eat and drink also

thoughts on seokjin being dead?

did u see it coming or was i sneaky keke )

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