{Chapter Two}

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Your POV~

I stared at Barney and Dad, trying to get them to believe me. "Are you sure you weren't imagining things? Moving can put a lot of stress on your brain. Maybe that's what happened." Dad said quietly, not making eye contact with me. "He has a point (Y/N). Maybe you're being too stressed about this." Barney added, smiling slightly.

"You guys really don't think this was real?" I asked with a hard edged tone of voice. They both shrugged. I could feel my arms fall loosely at my sides. "But hey, cheer up (Y/N)! We're getting pizza, and a new house! Maybe you should just relax and we could watch a movie after we eat!" Barney exclaimed, trying to cheer me up.

I just shrugged, looking around. I swore I could hear the slightest sound of carnival music as I went into the living room.

Author's POV~

You watched as your dad turned on the TV, switching it to one of your favorite Disney shows, Gravity Falls. He knew you couldn't resist smiling when you watched it. Even though you were 17 years old, you still loved Disney and Pixar stuff.

Barney sat next to you wit a can of soda. You glanced at him and shrugged, paying attention to the show. It was the episode when Dipper and Mabel had to beat Pacifica at mini golf. You'd already seen this episode but still enjoyed it. You were so engulfed in the show that you didn't notice when a flash of red appeared in the corner of the room.

Barney and your dad were gone, but you didn't notice. Only when the TV turned off and you could see yourself in the black screen did you look around, feeling panicked. "Barney, turn the TV back on you jerk!" you growled, crossing your arms.

You noticed something in the corner of the room. Another red balloon. Only this one didn't have any writing on it. It was just..blank.

The carnival music from before started to play very, very quietly. It was almost unnoticeable. But you notice it...

You stood up, your breath coming quick and short as if you were having a panic attack. A raspy, quiet laugh echoed through the room, making you jump in surprise.

The room started to smell like cotton candy again as a tall, lanky figure appeared next to the balloon. "Who are you?! What do you want?!" you asked in almost a yell, sitting on the couch and moving as far back as possible.

The figure was pure black in the poor lighting, but from what you could tell..it wasn't human. Much too tall to be a human. A pair of bright blue eyes appeared, staring directly at you. The figure took a few steps towards you, coming into the light.

You gasped as you realized this 'person' was a clown. A fucking clown! It had orange, ginger hair that curled a bit at the ends, giving off the effect that it had devil horns. It was wearing a cream colored clown suit with ruffles at the ends of the sleeves and huge ruffles around the neck area. Three red pom poms went down the front of the suit, and not to mention the frilly skirt thing. And then there was the gloves, creamy colored but with hints of red..dried blood?

Its face was the most terrifying feature. It had white face paint with red lines on its cheeks and just above its eyes, along with red paint on its nose. It had matching red lipstick, which, for some reason, made his teeth seem sharper or bigger.

As you stared at It, you realized he had buck teeth. Like a bunny. That was possibly the only not scary part about It. "Who are you?" you asked again, this time much quieter. The creature just tilted its head, smiling. Its smile scared you a bit. "I'm Pennywise, the Dancing Clown!" it exclaimed in its raspy voice,  doing a little dance for emphasis.

You hugged your knees and shivered as it got closer. "And you'll float too~!" There was a sort of flirtatious tone to his voice. "F-Float.?" you asked quietly. "W-What do you mean?"

But he was already gone, taking the balloon and sweet smell with him.

"You'll float too, (Y/N)! You'll float with them!"

You Won't Float {Pennywise x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now