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the night of the party; 7:37 pm.


everyone was doing something their own thing to get ready, maybe except for eddie, bill, ben, mike and stan. beverly was in the bathroom doing her makeup while richie was trying to find something to wear.

"you're acting like a girl, richie.'' stan groaned. "just pick something out, man. it doesn't matter."

"well, it does to me. besides, we're planning to be fashionably late." richie grinned. "besides, i plan on getting me some tonight!"

all five groaned in disgust. they really didn't need to know that, but it was richie, so what else were they really expecting?

"alright, boys," bev marched in unexpectedly. "how do i look?" her hair was short again, she must have just cut it. her lips were a dark cherry red, almost the color of blood. her eyes had black wings at the corners, small, yet noticeable. they were like her own angels wings and she could fly away any moment. either way, she looked like an angel.

her clothes were a different story. she had on dark jeans, so dark they were almost black, but you could see their blue hue. her shirt was hardly a shirt, it only came just a little bit above her belly button. but under her jeans and covering most of the skin that her crop top wasn't hiding was some wide diamond fishnets. all the boys stared in awe, even richie.

"damn. you look nice. you planning on getting some, too?"richie chuckled, sliding his shirt on over his head and fixing his glasses.

she looked around, her face becoming dusted with pink. "maybe."

"nice. i doubt you won't." he complimented, walking back into his closest.

while eddie, stan and mike continued their conversation they were having before bev walked in, ben and bill were attempting to hide their jealously. both were silent, but neither would expose their feelings for the girl, as both already had some sort of idea.

"okay, i'm ready." richie stepped out, wearing a white tank top with a black button up over it, and uncomfortably tight jeans.


the walk to the party was long, but short. it was no later than 8:45 when they arrived, nancy sitting at the door, her chin resting on her fist which was resting on her knee, a red cup in her other hand. her eyes bouncing from side to side scanning the nearby forest near her house before her eyes landed on richie and the losers. her face lit up, almost a complete different personality she was just a mere seconds ago.

"rich!" she cried, jumping off the steps, leaving her cup on the railing, and into his arms she went, wrapping her arms around his neck and placing a kiss to his cold lips, both smiling.

all of the losers looked away, disgusted, but insisted on waiting on their friend.

"so," he placed her down gently, his arm never leaving her waist. "what's going on now?"

"well, you're just a little bit late," she checked the time. "but we were just about to start playing seven minutes in heaven." her eyes covering richie up and down, biting down on her bottom lip, though he didn't notice.

"hmm, sounds interesting. but it's sad that we have to play a child's game for you to make out with me." he flirted.

"who said the bottle was gonna land on you?" she winked, walking back inside and grabbing her cup in the process.

stan made audible gagging noises and eddie giggled. richie gave them a quick glare, but laughed anyways.



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